Compute the monthly commission earned by a salesperson

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131590537

Programming Assignment

I. The Assignment

American Veeblefetzer, Inc. is a multinational distribution company. Each month it pays its sales force according to a formula that uses the employee's monthly sales, number of years with the company, and rank.

The formula is as follows:

1. For sales amounts between $100,000 and $200,000 inclusive, the sales commission is 1% of sales. For amounts over $200,000 and up to $300,000, 1.5%. For amounts over $300,000 and up to $400,000, 1.75%. For amounts over $400,000, 2%.

These percentages are based on the total sales and not just on the incremental amounts.

(Note that although there is no sales commission if the amount sold is below $100K, the salesperson is still eligible for the other commissions.)

2. Each salesperson also receives a commission of 1/10 of 1% of sales for each year with the company, up to a maximum of 1% at 10 years or more.

3. Salespersons also have a rank of Apprentice, Junior, or Senior. Apprentices receive no rank incentive, while Juniors receive 0.1% of sales and Seniors 0.2%.

Write a CommissionCalculator class to compute the monthly commission earned by a salesperson, given the salesperson's name, total sales, years of service with the company, and rank. Also write a class to test your CommissionCalculator class.

II. The CommissionCalculator Class - Specifications

1. Instance variables of the class include the salesperson's name, total monthly sales, years of service with the company, and rank. The rank is to be stored as a single- character String, where "1" = Apprentice, "2" = Junior and "3" = Senior.

2. The class constructor will initialize the instance variables to data passed by the user of the class, and the class will also have separate methods to

i. return a String containing all of the data values
ii. compute and return the commission

3. The String returned by method i., above, must be neat and easy to read, with one data item per line, and each data item properly labeled. The total sales must be formatted as U.S. currency (with $ and 2 decimal places)

4. Assume valid data! I.e. do not write code to "error check" the user inputs.

III. The Test Class - Specifications

Your test class will perform the following operations in the order listed:

1. Prompt the program user for the salesperson's name, monthly sales, years of service, and rank code, and create an object using the data entered.

2. Call the method that returns the data entered and print the string returned.

3. Call the method that computes and returns the commission and print it, formatted as U.S. currency.

IV. What to Upload

Upload a zip file (format .zip only) containing your project folder. When your zip file is "unzipped" there must be a ready-to-run NetBeans project or you will lose substantial credit. It's unfair to expect our graders to locate your .java files and create a project for you in order to grade your assignment.
 See "Submitting Your Assignments" in Unit 0.
 No need to include any output. Your program will be tested extensively, which of course you should do before submitting it. How many different possibilities are there that must be tested? (This is not a rhetorical question).

Reference no: EM131590537

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