Compute the mean median and mode

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13654691

1. By hand, compute the mean, median, and mode for the following set of 40 reading scores:
31 32 43 42
24 34 25 44
23 43 24 36
25 41 23 28
14 21 24 17
25 23 44 21
13 26 23 32
12 26 14 42
14 31 52 12
23 42 32 34 

Reference no: EM13654691

Questions Cloud

Explain what is the ratio of the root-mean-square : The two isotopes of Uranium, 238U and 235U, can be separated by effusion of the corresponding UF6 gases. What is the ratio (in the form of a decimal) of the root-mean-square speed of 238U6 to that of 235U6 at constant temperature
Magnetic flux through the area enclosed by this loop : A magnetic field of strength 0.27 T isdirected perpendicular to a plane circular loop of wire of radius25 cm. Find the magnetic flux through the area enclosed by this loop.
Determine the speed of the body when it hits the surface : A neutron star has a mass of 1030 kg and a radius of 5 kilometers. A body is droped from a height of 20cm above the surface. Determine the speed of the body when it hits the surface
what temperature in degrees Celsius would the temperature : A cylinder of gas at room temperature (20 degree C) has a pressure p1. To what temperature in degrees Celsius would the temperature have to be increased for the pressure to be 2.2p1?
Compute the mean median and mode : Compute the mean median, and mode
How much kinetic energy was released in the explosion : A 4.2kg object,initially at rest,''explodes''into three objects of equal mass. How much kinetic energy was released in the explosion
What is the intensity of the sunlight at the paper : A camper is trying to start a fire by focusing sunlight onto apiece of paper. The diameter of the sun is 1.39 x109 m, and its mean distance from the earth is 1.50x 1011 m. The camper is using a converging lenswhose focal length is 10.3 cm.
Compute the molar heat of vaporization of water : Were doing a lab and im asked to calculate the molar heat of vaporization of water, the data I have is the temperature at which as small beaker started with, 22.85 Celsius and the temperature it boiled at, which is 99.8 Celsius.
How many people were polled : How many people were polled?


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