Reference no: EM131103393
The topological-ordering property of the SOM algorithm may be used to form an abstract two-dimensional representation of a high-dimensional input space to investigate this form of a representation, consider a two-dimensional lattice consisting of a 10 X 10 network of neurons that is trained with an input consisting of four Gaussian clouds in an eight-dimensional input space All the clouds

have unit variance, but different centers. The centers are located at the points (0, 0, 0, ...,0), (4, 0, 0, ..., 0), (4, 4, 0, ..., 0), and (0, 4, 0, ..., 0). Compute the map produced by the SOM algorithm, with each neuron in the map being labeled with the particular class most frequently represented by the input points around it.
Accept or reject statistical hypotheses
: Hypothesis testing refers to the formal procedures used by statisticians to accept or reject statistical hypotheses. Give five steps in hypothesis testing.
Show the new balance sheet under each alternative
: Show the new balance sheet under each alternative. For Alternatives 2 and 3, show the balance sheet after conversion of the bonds or exercise of the warrants. Assume that half of the funds raised will be used to pay off the bank loan and half to incr..
Discuss three errors that can be made by the clinician
: Diagnostic reasoning is a process of data collection and utilizing a systematic approach to formulating a hypothesis and a list of differentials diagnosis. Discuss three errors that can be made by the clinician that can have a direct impact on ma..
Write a program to read an array of stored integers
: write a program in C++ to read an array of stored integers. Search for a value using binary search method. If the element is found, print its location else print element not found
Compute the map produced by the som algorithm
: Compute the map produced by the SOM algorithm, with each neuron in the map being labeled with the particular class most frequently represented by the input points around it.
What diagnostic tests do want to include to with diagnosis
: What additional questions would you ask to learn more about his cough? How would you classify his cough based on the duration to help with the diagnosis? What diagnostic tests do you want to include to help you with your diagnosis?
What are the consequences for an agency
: What are the consequences for an agency if only a small group of its officers or employees are responsible for adopting the community policing philosophy?
Legal political-ethical dimensions of business
: If the state of California and the federal government both passed laws or regulations related to the sale of video games, which would prevail and why? Discuss the relationship between the states and the federal government, and which has priority.
Can you provide the constructor
: Can you provide the constructor, copy constructor, copy assignment operator, destructor, move copy constructor, and move assignment operator on "------" ?