Compute the local tuncation error for the scheme

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM13867140

Question 1. Use Taylor Expansion to compute the local truncation error for the implicit Trapezoidal method: Yk+1 = Yk + ?t/2 (fk + fk+1)

Question 2. Suppose certain numerical method for ODE y ′ = f(t, y) has the form:

Yk+2 = Yk+1 + ?t/12 (-fk + 8fk+1 + 5fk+2).

(a) Compute the Local Tuncation Error for the scheme and judge if the scheme is consistent

(b) Based on the eigenvalue calculation, judge if the scheme is zero-stable

(c) Apply the scheme to the standard test problem and plot the region of absolute stability for the scheme.

Reference no: EM13867140

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