Compute the gram atomic weight values for each of isotopes

Assignment Help Electrical Engineering
Reference no: EM13961639

This problem has to do with the fact that one of Dalton's original Atomic Theory postulates was not true.

1) One gram equivalent weight of Lithium is 6.941 grams, according to chemical reaction analysis. What does this statement mean? If the valence of Lithium is known to be +1, what is the gram atomic weight of Lithium? So what is the "atomic weight" of Lithium? Explain what this unitless number means, according to Dalton's definition of atomic weight.

2) A Lithium salt is vaporized in a Bainbridge Mass Spectrometer ion source section. The beam of Lithium ions is collimated and directed toward the "velocity selector." The Electric Field Strength is 1000.0 Volts/m and the Magnetic Flux Density is 0.0447 Tesla. Those ions that have the selected velocity enter the semi-circular deflection chamber where the Magnetic Flux Density is also 0.0447 Tesla. The beam divides into two circular arcs of radius 3.63 cm (.0363m) and 4.14 cm(.0414 m). Compute the masses in Kilograms of these isotopes. Also express the mass in grams. Assume the ions are singly ionized due to the loss of one electron. So the charge of each ion is 1.6 E -19 Coulomb.

3) Using the equation N(subscript 0)m=gram atomic weight that applies to any element, compute the gram atomic weight values for each of the isotopes. Which of the isotopes is more abundant?

Reference no: EM13961639

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