Compute the employers liability for unemployment taxes

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM131083018





11 Carson, Fran M. S 1 40 $7.50 300.00 300.00 18.60 4.35 9.21 9.00

12 Wilson, William A. S 0 40 $7.25 290.00 8 $10.88 87.04 377.04 23.38 5.47 11.58 11.31

13 Utley, Harry T. M 2 37.5 $8.10 303.75 303.75 18.83 4.40 - 9.33 9.11

21 Fife, Lawrence R. M 4 40 $7.90 316.00 6 $11.85 71.10 387.10 24.00 5.61 - 11.88 11.61

22 Smith, Lucy K. S 2 40 $9.75 390.00 390.00 24.18 5.66 11.97 11.70

31 Fay, Gretchen R. M 3 40 515.00 1.25 $19.33 24.15 539.15 33.43 7.82 16.55 16.17

32 Robey, Glenda B. M 6 40 392.31 392.31 24.32 5.69 - 12.04 11.77

33 Schork, Thomas K. S 1 40 542.31 542.31 33.62 7.86 16.65 16.27

51 Hardy, Barbara T. M 5 40 348.46 4 $13.07 52.28 400.74 24.85 5.81 - 12.30 12.02

99 Kipley, Carson C. M 7 40 1,000.00 1,000.00 62.00 14.50 30.70 30.00

Totals 4,397.83 234.57 4,632.40 287.21 67.17 142.21 138.96

You will now compute the employer's liability for unemployment taxes (FUTA and SUTA) for the pay of January 14. These computations will be used at the end of Chapter 6 in recording the payroll tax entries.

To compute the employer's liability for unemployment taxes, proceed as follows:

1. Enter each employee's gross earnings in the Taxable Earnings' FUTA and SUTA columns.

2. Total the Taxable Earnings' FUTA and SUTA columns.

3. At the bottom of your payroll register, compute the following

a. Net FUTA tax. Since this is the first pay period of the year, none of the employees are near the $7,000 ceiling; therefore, each employee's gross earnings is subject to the FUTA tax.

b. SUTA tax. Since Kipley Company is a new employer, Pennsylvania has assigned the company a contribution rate of 3.703% on the first $8,000 of each employee's.

Reference no: EM131083018

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