Compute the delay from controller to actuator

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM132136291

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Matlab codes and simulated model in simulink/matlab and truetime.

1. Matlab codes and simulink model for pid controller optimization using particle swarm optimization (PSO) my plant is integer order 1000/(s^2+3*s) (equation)

2. Matlab codes and simulink model for fractional order pid controller tuning method (use best tuning method you know) and optimization using particle swarm optimization also and my plant is the same of the above it's integer order 1000/(s^2+3*s)

3. Send a file that contains a model simulated in truetime with it's m-files. This model used pid controller so the optimized parameters of pid controller that is obtained from step number one must be put in the m-file of controller node in the model and its name is (regulator node) in the attached model, and want you to make packet loss, number of users and sampling period dynamically changing while the simulation is running, in order to compute the delay from controller to actuator and from sensor to controller.

4. Use the same simulated model in truetime that sent to you in attached file but just replace the pid algorithm in m-file of regulator node with fractional order pid controller algorithm , put the tuned parameters of fractional order pid controller that is obtained from step number two in the m-file of regulator node and repeat the same things in step number three (make packet loss , number of users and sampling period dynamically changing while the simulation is running, in order to compute the delay from controller to actuator and from sensor to controller)

5. Use the same simulated model in truetime that sent to you in attached file but just replace the pid algorithm in m-file of regulator node with fractional order pid controller algorithm , put the optimized parameters of fractional order pid controller that is obtained from step number two in the m-file of regulator node and repeat the same things in step number three (make packet loss , number of users and sampling period dynamically changing while the simulation is running, in order to compute the delay from controller to actuator and from sensor to controller)

6. Note: each one of these steps above should have m-file codes and simulink model.

7. Using truetime 2.0 and matlab 2014b.

8. Need a document explains to me the codes and how they work and how can i run the work in proper way to see the outputs and results.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132136291

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10/9/2018 10:11:07 PM

Note: The file pid_network_with_packet_loss.rar which is not a reference it's a truetime example that i used to model my work U can use this model .While make packet loss number of users and sampling period changing dynamically While running the network .Can you do that Because i need to compute real delay. Note: The file pid_network_with_packet_loss.rar which is not a reference it's a truetime example that i used to model my work U can use this model .While make packet loss number of users and sampling period changing dynamically While running the network .Can you do that Because i need to compute real delay. Delay that caused from changing packet loss and number of users and sampling period.

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