Compute the customer margin for the hoium family

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13646401

Dane Housecleaning provides housecleaning services to its clients. The company uses an activity-based costing system for its overhead costs. The company has provided the following data from its activity-based costing system.


Activity Cost Pool

Total Cost

Total Activity







Job support................





Client support...........














The "Other" activity cost pool consists of the costs of idle capacity and organization-sustaining costs.

One particular client, the Hoium family, requested 45 jobs during the year that required a total of 90 hours of housecleaning. For this service, the client was charged $2,000.


a. Compute the activity rates (i.e., cost per unit of activity) for the activity cost pools. Round off all calculations to the nearest whole cent.

b. Using the activity-based costing system, compute the customer margin for the Hoium family. Round off all calculations to the nearest whole cent.

c. Assume the company decides instead to use a traditional costing system in which ALL costs are allocated to customers on the basis of cleaning hours. Compute the margin for the Hoium family. Round off all calculations to the nearest whole cent.

Reference no: EM13646401

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