Compute the area of a circle

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13879218

Problem 1

Compute the area of a circle. The user must enter the radius of the circle. Use the following formula for area A = 3.14 R2


Write a program that will solve for the power dissipation of a resistor when the voltage across the resistor and the current in the resistor are known. The relationship for power dissipation is:  P=I x R


P = Power dissipated

I = resistor current.

 V= resistor voltage.


Write a program that calculates the memory size of variable of different data type?


Develop the program that will convert the temperature from degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit. User input the temperature in Fahrenheit. The relation is 1)  Develop the program that will convert the temperature from degree Celsius to degree Fahrenheit. User input the temperature in Fahrenheit. The relation is F= (5/9)*C - 32


Run the following program step-by-step using "F8 key" and see the output on the output window. Observe that how the escape sequence works.


Write a program which calculates the roots of Quadratic equation.


X1= (-b+(b*b-4*a*c) / (2*a)

X2= (-b -(b*b-4*a*c) / (2*a)


(a) Execute the following code step-by-step using "F8 key" and observe how the integer variables are declared, initialized and modified in the program.


Are the following expression are true or false.

(i)      1>2

(ii)    'a'<'b'

(iii)    1= =2

(iv)   '2' = = '2'


Rewrite the following statement using the unary operator. Also write a program; using

modulus operator.

(i)   a = a + 1

(ii)  a = a - 1

(iii) b + = 1

(iv) b - = 1


Write a program that determines whether an integer is even or odd and negative or positive. Make use of modulo operator. 


Write a Mark Sheet program that accepts the marks of the different subjects from the user. Calculate total marks, percentage and grade.

If    per<60 and per >50 then Grade is "C"

If    per<70 and per >60 then Grade is "B"

If    per<80 and per >70 then Grade is "A"

if    per >80 then Grade is "A+"

if    per<50 then prints FAIL


Write a program that finds the maximum number from three input numbers?


Create a program in which the user selects name of the figure and program presents the formula that is used for calculating its area. Use a rectangle, triangle, circle, and parallelogram as the figure choice?


With the help of for, while and do- while loop generate the following series

Natural numbers from 1 to 10 

(b)Even numbers between 1 and 20.

 c)Odd numbers between 1 and 20


Write a program using for loop which inputs an integer and prints its factorial


Write a program that will calculates the sum of first 100 natural numbers?


Write a prog. That prints out the larger of two numbers entered from the keyboard. Use a function to do the actual comparison of the two numbers. Pass the two numbers to the function as arguments, & have the function return the answer with return().


(a). State the advantage of creating your own header file. Explain how you may call your header file from a c++ program.

(b). Write a program to make your own  a header file name mystuff.h in which the function of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division is included & then write a program that uses the same header file & performs the function accordingly.


 Write Functions to evaluate:

a) sinh-1  x = ln( x +  ((x2+1) )

b) cosh-1 x = ln( x +  ((x2+1) )


Write a program that contains macro, that evaluate the volume of the sphere

Where v= 4/3(( * r * r * r))


Write a program, that overload the Sub (subtraction) function?


Write a program, to calculate the average of the marks of 10 students?


Write a program to find the maximum and minimum value in array?


Write a program that will add the two matrix of the same order?


Write a program to find the smallest of a one dimensional array. Declare & initialize the

array in the main () & pass the array to a function which returns the smallest elements of the array. Also find the size of array in the main () & in the function to which array is passed.


What will be the output of the following program.


Write a program that returns three value from the function.


 What is different between the near and far pointer


What mathematical operation that can be performed on the pointers.


 int i , j;

 int *p = &i, *q;

 p= &j;

 What will be the output of the following :

 (i)     &*&i      

 (ii)   *&*&j

 (iii)   **&p



int arr[] = { 2, 39, 14,36};

int *ptr = arr;

write a program to study the difference between

++*ptr ,   *ptr++,     (*ptr)++,       ++ptr,       ++*ptr++.


Study the following code & make changes wherever necessary. Also study the scope resolution (::) operator & try to understand how variables are access when they are declared globally & when they are declared locally.

Reference no: EM13879218

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