Compute the amount you spent in buying shares

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM132103832

MTHLAB to write a program and post it please.

The price, in dollars, of a certain stock over a 10-day period is given as: price = [19, 18, 22, 21, 25, 19, 17, 21, 27, 29].

Suppose you owned 1000 shares at the start of the 10-day period, and you bought 100 shares every day the price was below $20 and sold 100 shares every day the price was above $25.

Use MATLAB to compute

(a) the amount you spent in buying shares,

(b) the amount you received from the sale of shares,

(c) the total number of shares you own after the 10th day, and

(d) the net increase in the worth of your portfolio.

Reference no: EM132103832

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