Compute tax percentage using nested if

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1367963

1. On the Home Sales Data worksheet, in column E, calculate the Tax Percentage. Using a nested IF calculate the following (Hint: do not use the function AND because if the house does not have 1 bedroom and does not have 2 bedrooms then the house MUST have more than 3 bedrooms.)

a. 1 Bedroom homes use 3%

b. 2 Bedroom homes use 4%

c. For all homes with 3 OR MORE bedrooms:

i. if the age of the home is less than 10 years old, use 5.25%

ii. If the age of the home is less than 20 years old (but more than 9), use 5.5%

iii. If the age of the home is 20 years old or more (or for all other homes), use 5.75%.

Reference no: EM1367963

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