Compute and return to main totalrainfall and averagerainfall

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13308395

Write a modular program (functions) that analyzes a year's worth of rainfall data. In addtioin to main(), the program should have a getData function that reads the 12 month rain data from a data file and stores it in an array. Set up a parralel array to store the names of the months which are in a different data file.

It should also have two value-returning functions that compute and return to main the totalRainfall and averageRainfall.

This information should be used either by main or by a displayReport function called by main to print a summary rainfall report similar to the following:

2012 Rain Report for Neversnows County

Total rainfall: 23.19 inches

Average monthly Rainfall: March 1.93 inches


Reference no: EM13308395

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