Compute and display the revenue expected

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM133673118

Introduction to Programming

Problem Specification:

Queensland Talent Showcase

Queensland State hosts the Queensland Talent Showcase each summer during the county fair. The talent competition spans over three days, featuring various performances from contestants across the region. Write a program named QueenslandTalent that performs the following tasks:

Question 1. Display the competition's motto, which is "Unveiling Queensland's Brightest Stars. Written by <Your name, Your Student ID>". Ensure the motto is surrounded by a border composed of asterisks.

Question 2. Prompt the user for the number of contestants entered in last year's competition and this year's competition. Users must input a number between 0 and 40, inclusive, for the number of contestants each year. If an incorrect number is entered, the program should prompt for a valid value.

Question 3. Display all input data and compute and display the revenue expected for this year's competition if each contestant pays a $20.50 entrance fee.

Question 4. Display a statement that compares the number of contestants each year.
• If the competition has more than twice as many contestants as last year, display "This year's competition is booming with talent!"
• If the competition is bigger than last year's but not more than twice as big, display "This year's competition has a healthy turnout!"
• If the competition is smaller than or equal to last year's, display "This year's competition is more intimate, but equally exciting!"
• After the user enters the number of contestants in this year's competition, prompt them to enter the appropriate number of contestant names and a code for each contestant indicating their talent type. Users should use the following codes:V for vocal performance, C for choreography, I for instrumental performance, or T for miscellaneous talents.
Ensure all entered codes are valid, and if not, re-prompt the user to enter a correct code. After contestant data entry is complete, display a count of each type of talent. Then, continuously prompt the user for a talent code until they enter a sentinel value. With each code entry, display a list of the contestants with that code, or display a message that the code is not valid and re-prompt the user. (25 marks)

In developing your program, please take note of the following:
I. You should not use any C# concepts which have not been taught as part of Lectures and Tutorials in this Unit.
II. You should develop your application using simple logic.
III. Test your code using your own test data covering multiple data sets.
IV. Your program should not have any compilation/execution errors.
Project Deliverables:

1) Program Code

Zip your project file and upload this zipped file onto Canvas using Programming Assignmentlink under the Assessment tab.

Reference no: EM133673118

Questions Cloud

Explore the concept of epistemic virtue : Explore the concept of epistemic virtue and its role in the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge.
Narration on every slide : Your narration will provide additional details of the points you have provided on each slide. You must have narration on every slide.
Discuss about social change : Name and describe a person or organisation that has championed this social issue in Australia and how?
Manufacture similar a-segment models : Paraphrase text From 2013 to 2018, competitors such as Hyundai, Honda, Toyota, and General Motors began to manufacture similar A-segment models
Compute and display the revenue expected : IFN555 Introduction to Programming, Queensland University of Technology - Write a program named QueenslandTalent that performs the given tasks
Example of what type of fallacy : According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?
What consumer need does your product or service address : What consumer need does your product or service address? What are the top two or three underlying values and beliefs that you will target for this campaign?
Discuss the social side of sustainability : Why do you think is it important to consider the social side of sustainability? Which model of human needs resonates the most with you?
Define corporate governance and give your analysis : Evaluate the success (or lack thereof) of an organisation's governance responsibilities Analyse the legal and regulatory environment in Australia with a view


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