Reference no: EM132756100
SIT323 - Cloud Application Development - Deakin University
Assessment Task - Validation and Testing
Introduction - Assessment Tasks 1 and 2 comprise parts of the one project. These require you to design, develop and test software related to a task allocation problem in which a parallel program is partitioned into a set of tasks and these tasks need to be allocated to a set of processors such the amount of energy consumed is minimised (see class notes of week 1).
1. In brief, A ssess ment Task 1 focuses on designing, developing and testing a new program such that it is able to:
Validate/invalidate the two data files related to configuration and task allocations.
Validate/invalidate allocations that are described in the allocations file.
Compute and display the amount of energy consumed by each allocation.
Display each allocation.
You will be provided with valid input data files, but also invalid input data files. These files can be found in the ZIP file called Assessment Task 1 - Data
2. In brief, A ssess ment Task 2 requires you to focus on:
Designing, developing and testing a cloud solution.
Loading data from a configuration file to compute one or more allocations of tasks such that the amount of energy consumed is valid and is the lowest that you can achieve. Note, there might be more than one allocation where the consumed energy is the same and the lowest.
Optimisation techniques.
Computing and displaying the amount of energy consumed by the se allocations.
Displaying the se allocations.
Ensuring that these new allocations are valid.
Objectives - The main objectives for Assessment Task 1 are:
1. Design and develop a new program to work with the two input data files. Their formats are described in the following sections:
Task Allocation file format (.taff)
Configuration file format (.cff)
2. Design and develop many unit tests.
3. Code to conventions and standards.
Testing Requirements - Unit Tests
Your software solution for Assessment Task 1 requires testing. You must design and develop several unit tests for the following functionality.
1. Determining whether the amount of RAM required by a task is less than or equal to the amount of RAM associated with a processor.
2. Computing the runtime of a task allocated to a processor.
3. Computing the energy consumed by a task for running on a processor.
4. Computing the energy consumed by a task for local communications.
5. Computing the energy consumed by a task for remote communications.
6. Computing the total energy consumed by a task, i.e., the sum of the energies consumed related to the previous three points (3 , 4 and 5).
7. Computing the total energy consumed by an allocation.
Note - Create a windows form on visual studio c# language. Attached, few example of how GUI is going to looks alike.