Comprehensive analysis of the business needs

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13991879


Assess the need for network services to support the business or organization

Providing excellent coverage.

This includes:

Comprehensive analysis of the business needs in regards to network services and using some scholarly references to discuss the business needs.

Comprehensive Analysis Select/identify the appropriate network services for the scenario including details and some optional network services. Network services cover all essential server or services needed as well as Internet connections. Justifications incorporate several scholarly and professional references

Apply and implement appropriate security measures on a network to support the business or organization.

Providing comprehensive coverage

This includes:

Comprehensive analysis of the business needs in regards to network security measures and using some scholarly references to discuss the business needs.

Identify network security measures needed and providing detailed information about them. Network security measures should also include preventative and maintenance measures. Additional optional measures are also provided to create a more comprehensive design.

Justifications incorporate several scholarly and

Follow proper procedures and protocols in completing IT-related tasks.
Identify and apply the appropriate software licensing model for the software used in the proposal.

Fully demonstrates the ability to make network administration or Cybersecurity decisions based on best practices and/or standard procedures/protocols.

Satisfy standards of writing style and grammatical correctness.
This includes:

Using IEEE citation style

Using credible reasoning, appropriate research, and supporting evidence in communication

Synthesizing sources appropriately using paraphrase, summary, and quotation

Satisfying standards of writing style and grammatical correctness, including the use of industry-standard terminology and vocabulary

Verified Expert

Network security consists of the policies adopted to prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and network-accessible resources. Network security involves the authorization of access to data in a network, which is controlled by the network administrator. IEEE, 600 words

Reference no: EM13991879

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