Comprehend and understand epidemiology terms

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133223226 , Length: word count:1500

Question: You are required to choose a Specific named developed country and identify the risk factors of non-Communicable disease and critically analyse the relationship. This essay should demonstrate the ability to comprehend and understand epidemiology terms and to analyse the contributing economic, political, environmental, and social causal factors to the disease.

Basic calculations guide
• Crude death rate Total # of deaths per calendar year/ Estimated mid-year population that year x 1000 or 10000
•Cause specific death rate

Total # of deaths from a cause in an age range per year/ Estimated mid-year population in age range that year x 1000 or 10000
• Age specific death rate

Total # of deaths per year/Estimated mid-year population that year x 1000 or 10000
• Infant mortality rate

Total # deaths <1 in a time period/total number of live births in same time period x 1000
• Standard mortality rate

Total # of deaths (age group) / expected deaths that year (age group) x 100 • Death to case fatality Total # deaths of a specific cause in a time period/# of new cases of same disease in the same time period x 100
• Case fatality

# died / # cases x 100
• Primary attack rate

#died/# at risk x 1000
• Secondary attack rate #cases in contact with primary cases/total number of contacts x 100 or 1000


Reference no: EM133223226

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