Compre the alternatives using the neua worth method

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13976940

Jane starts working on her 25th birthday with an annual saary of $55,000. She sets aside 5% of her salary at the end of each year for her pension plan, whch is matched by her employer.  She hopes her retirement account can make 4.5% per year interest average.  She porjects being able to get 3% raises average per year through out her 30 year work career.  Project the amount in her pension plan at retirement. 

2. Baseed, on the question above, project Jane's estimated annual retirement income, assuming 20 years of retirement.  

3. Copmare the following 2 altrernatives using the Present Worth method


Construction cost $

Bnefit ($/yr)

Service Life (yrs)









4.Copmare the following 2 altrernatives using the Present Worth method


Construction cost $

Bnefit ($/yr)

Salvage $

Service Life (yrs)











5.Copmare the following 2 altrernatives using the Net Equivalent Uniform Annual method


Construction cost $

Benefit ($/yr)

Salvage $

Service Life (yrs)











6.Compre the follwoign alternatives using the NEUA worth method.


Construction cost $

Life (yrs)







Reference no: EM13976940

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