Reference no: EM131053267
The purpose of this final project is to provide you with the opportunity to research and create a pasticcio opera that will demonstrate your understanding of opera acquired throughout the course.
1. Please compose an opera of approximately one hour in length (four to five scenes, each with two or three musical numbers) by assembling existing music to form the narrative.
The final format of your project can be up to you. You are encouraged to be creative. Following the exemplar (the Snow White opera we discussed in class) you may wish to put together a libretto of the sort we examined. You may also wish to put together your materials in an audio format, in a creative paper format, or any other format your imagination conjures.
2. Along with your completed project please include a short personal essay (a reflection) of no more than 750 words that examines the challenges you encountered in putting your project together. You may also wish to defend some of your musical choices if you think necessary.
Addressing some concerns:
a. This project is intentionally "ill-structured" in order to encourage you to research and explore operas on your own using the knowledge you have gained about the operatic form and its history in class.
b. In opera music will "speak" louder than words. Recall Vincenzo Galilei's advice.
c. Your final project may include music of any genre. You are nevertheless encouraged to include some arias or other operatic numbers.
d. Some arias you encounter may have texts that do not perfectly fit your scene because they reference a character. In such a case you are welcome to adjust the text as necessary.
e. You may find that in order to tell even a part of your story in a limited time span you must strip your story bare. Real opera composers do this as well.
Successful projects will be those that:
a. Use music in a compelling way to define character and exploit the drama.
b. Demonstrate an understanding of the operatic form.
c. Are well-presented in a form that is extremely neat, exceptionally creative, or both.
d. Include a thoughtful and pithy reflection on your project.
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