Compose an essay profiles that shares a significant issue

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Reference no: EM13788462

The Profile Essay

Using the plans you outlined in last week's Profile Process Piece assignment, you are now ready to compose the Profile essay. Be sure to read this week's lecture and Chapter 5 in your text for more information about writing profiles, keeping these key components in mind:

Profiles take a specific angle that shares a significant issue, important contribution, or surprising quality of a person, place, or event.

Profiles are not full life stories; instead, they share a fresh perspective on a larger issue.

Profiles require writers to take a close look at a subject and use detail and description to bring the subject to life.

The subject of the Profile should focus on a local person, place, or event, meaning the subject should be a part of the writer's local neighborhood, community, or town.

The audience of the Profile essay is the local community. Imagine the readers as neighbors and local community members.

The best topics and angles are those that are interesting to the writer. Be sure to choose a subject that is fascinating to you and that you'd like to learn more about. Also consider that your chosen subject and the angle you choose should be of interest to your audience. Outside research is not required for this essay and is discouraged. If there has been published information regarding your subject that will help add insight to your essay, please include it; however, all research you do must be documented in APA style (for in-text citations and a Reference page). Be sure to check with your professor if you have questions about integrating research. The grading rubric for this essay is available in Doc Sharing.

Reference no: EM13788462

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