Reference no: EM133720917
Project Overview
In this project, you will compose an email to your manager about another company or organization's corporate social responsibility programs. Then, you will create a proposal (as a presentation or written report) that explains how your company, Williams & Marshall, LLC, could benefit from similar CSR projects.
In this project, you will master the following competency:
Identify possible opportunities for civic engagement based on your field and experience
Williams and Marshall LLC logo
Williams & Marshall, LLC, delivers high-quality products and services, but the company's brand is not well recognized. Your manager, Demita Williams, recently heard a radio show about corporate social responsibility (CSR). She learned that CSR efforts can improve the way people view a company. These efforts can also make employees feel more satisfied at work.
Demita wants you to find opportunities for civic engagement that will match staff members' personal values and the company's mission.
Email to Manager
Your manager, Demita Williams, is interested in starting a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative to draw attention to the company brand.
She would like you to look at how other companies approach CSR. Then, send her a detailed email about what you learned. Include your personal experiences and some examples from other companies.
Choose a socially responsible company or organization within your industry. Then, learn more about how it creates corporate social responsibility. You can use the list of companies in the Examples of CSR Initiatives document, or you can use a different company or organization.
Compose an email to your manager with what you have found. Be sure to address these points:
Think about your own civic engagement and how it has impacted your life. How have past civic engagement experiences impacted your identity and future goals?
For the company you chose, describe the organization's corporate social responsibility initiatives. (This could include specific initiatives, how they started, and how they affect the way people see the company.)
Explain how the company or organization's corporate social responsibility helps employees participate in their communities.
Connect company CSR initiatives to the way employees can grow personally and professionally. How did civic engagement support this growth?
CSR Proposal
Now that you have investigated other corporate social responsibility programs, Demita wants you to think about CSR at Williams & Marshall, LLC. How would a CSR initiative benefit the company? You will present your proposal to her in the format you think is best. For example, you could create a presentation or a written report.
Note: For this project, assume that Williams & Marshall, LLC, has the same values as somewhere you've worked before.
Using your findings from the email you wrote, explain how Williams & Marshall, LLC, would benefit from similar CSR initiatives. In your proposal to Demita, connect your idea for a company-wide initiative to the company's interests and values. Include responses to the following questions.
How could a CSR initiative support your company's values?
How could it help employees represent the company's values in public?
How could a CSR initiative help the company increase its brand recognition?
How could it help the company's employees grow professionally?
How could a CSR initiative foster civil discourse both inside and outside the workplace?