Compose a sentence or two so that you can incorporate

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132269926

Using the references you listed on the Annotated Bibliography, find direct quotes or evidence to incorporate into your essays.

Integrating Evidence with two sentence and one quote. must be written 4 evidence

Compose a sentence or two so that you can incorporate the direct quote, or paraphrase, or piece of evidence, in a sentence beginning with an appropriate signal phrase, using choices from your list of signal phrase verbs above, and go on to show how it is relevant to your claim. Complete four (4) of these using the examples below as models (2.5 points per). Please note that each example would count as one of the four you are required to complete.

Lymbery (2017, p 7) elucidates the little-known fact that palm fruit from Sumatra are used to feed animals in industrial farms:n"..the industry renders these nuts down into kernel oil and palm-kernal meal or "cakeQcrhis palm-kernal meal is then transported as protein source to fee troughs of industrially reared animals all over the world but especially in Europe".

Factory farming in Europe actually drives deforestation in Sumatra and is therefore contributing to human-elephant conflict there, threatening the very existence of the most endangered populations of elephants in the world. Lymbery (2017, p8) sadly notes that: "...few shoppers realise that the milk, beef, and bacon they buy may be coming from palm-fed animals, let alone contributing to the demise of iconic wildlife in the world's remaining jungles."

Verified Expert

The paper is related to the various papers and to draw evidence from it. This paper also highlights the requirement of finding and concluding from the given papers. This paper has been prepared in Microsoft Word Document.

Reference no: EM132269926

Questions Cloud

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8/28/2019 2:37:22 AM

I attached here the reference list of the article.You can simply choose any references and quote directly from the article (choose 4 reference and for each reference choose one quote in the article).Look at the scanned introduction which I uploaded early please(There are 2 examples and introduction on that ) 32995972_1Reference Listtt.docx Below attached are evidence refernces please follow them carefully. references 32995920_11.pdf 32995923_22.pdf 32995923_33.pdf evidence references 32995974_14.pdf 32995992_25.pdf 32995977_36.pdf

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