Compose a full -page reflective summary

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Reference no: EM132203908

Assignment: Journal Summary

This week, you will turn in your Reflection Journal Summary.

Drawing on material from the course Discussions, readings, Assignments, and your journal, compose a 1 full -page reflective summary. Include any relevant citations when discussing a specific concept, idea, or quote, even if you have taken this idea from your personal journal.

Your Program Management Reflection Journal is intended to be an important part of the learning journey while you are in this program. Your journal will serve both as a platform for insight and as a personal space for reflecting and developing self-awareness in all matters relevant to you as a leader. As such, you may keep the journal itself in electronic form or as a handwritten journal. You will not turn in your journal as part of a formal assignment; however, you will be asked to follow the requirements listed in the following paragraphs when maintaining the journal and you will be required to submit a formal summary of what has "struck" you at the conclusion of each course.

You will make weekly entries into your journal, using a critically reflexive, journaling-style writing method that describes what you have practiced throughout this course. Your journal entries should help you grapple with concepts and challenges you face during the course. Include any project management-related issues that are timely and relevant to your life. There is no quantity requirement-only quality journal entries are important.

At the end of, you will be required to submit a formal summary describing the elements that have "struck" you during your coursework. This reflective summary should draw on the course Discussions and readings, and it can include excerpts from your journal.

Submit your assignment. Support your assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. Use correct APA formatting for all resources. The Walden Writing Center provides preformatted templates with APA-compliant pagination, margins, and spacing.

Reference no: EM132203908

Questions Cloud

Double declining balance method : What is the amount of depreciation expense for 2012 and the book value of the equipment at the end of 2012 (after recording depreciation for 2012)
Dollar amount of dividends that will be distributed : During 2016, Alpha distributed $40,000 in dividends. Use this information to determine for the 2016 the dollar amount of dividends that will be distributed to:
What are the total assets and the total owners : What are the total assets and the total owners' equity on the December 31, 2012 balance sheet?
What are priceline internal strengths and weaknesses : Read "Excellent Strategic Management Showcased: Inc." What are Priceline's internal strengths and weaknesses
Compose a full -page reflective summary : Drawing on material from the course Discussions, readings, Assignments, and your journal, compose a 1 full -page reflective summary
Analyze the experiment in terms of causality : Revisit Philip Zimbardo's (1971) Stanford University Prison Experiment. Analyze the experiment in terms of causality, controlling patterns, and its growth mode
Create risks and mitigation measures for a project scenario : Create Risks and Mitigation Measures for a Project Scenario. In this assignment write a detailed and specific response to the assigned scenario
Equity cost of capital for bhh : The equity cost of capital for BHH is 12%. What should? BHH's forward? P/E ratio be if its dividend growth rate is expected to be 4% for the foreseeable? future
Discussing impact of diversity on compensation and benefits : Statement discussing the impact of diversity on compensation and benefits.


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