Components of the audit planning stages

Assignment Help Auditing
Reference no: EM13487005

You are a manager at a CPA firm, and you have been asked to write an article on audit planning for the firm's monthly newsletter.

Using the library, conduct research on audit planning. Prepare the article for your firm's monthly newsletter, and include the following information:

• Components of the audit planning stages

• How to understand the client's business

• What the risk assessment portions of audit planning are

• Understand how to plan an audit engagement, the auditor's consideration of internal control, the public company audits of internal control, and the review of audit evidence before completing the audit;

Reference no: EM13487005

Questions Cloud

Prepare any necessary adjusting entries : Prepare an income statement for the year ended December 31, 2011, and a balance sheet as of December 31, 2011 and prepare all journal entries to record the information for 2012. Also prepare any necessary adjusting entries.
Find the length of region to which the electron is confined : The ground-state energy of an electron confined along the x-axis is 6.92×10-18 J. What is the approximate length of the region to which the electron is confined
Calculate the capital gain under the indexation method : Peter sold an investment property in Sydney and the transaction was settled on 30 June 2012 for $800,000. He incurred legal fees of $1,100 and a real estate agent's commission of $9,900 in relation to the sale.
How many degrees of freedom does each molecule of gas have : Suppose that 1.4 moles of an ideal diatomic gas has a temperature of 1273 K, and that each molecule has a mass 2.32 × 10-26 kg, How many degrees of freedom does each molecule of the gas have
Components of the audit planning stages : Components of the audit planning stages, how to understand the clients business and what the risk assessment portions of audit planning
Explain what happens to output in the short run : Explain what happens to output in the short run in each of the following circumstances:
Find the total force the person must apply : A person is pushing a wheelbarrow along a ramp that makes an angle of 34 degrees with the horizontal. What is the total force the person must apply
A particular financial instrument is a debt : 1. Discuss five factors that may be employed to determine if a particular financial instrument is a debt or equity security
Find the change in the pressure of the gas inside the tank : A 24-m3 tank is filled with 1760 moles of an ideal gas. The temperature of the gas is initially 296 K, but it is raised to 721 K. find the change in the pressure of the gas inside the tank


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