Components of a project scope management plan

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Reference no: EM133547452

BSBPMG530 Manage Project Scope

Question 1 List the five components of a project scope management plan.
Question 2 List five factors that are likely to impact the project scope.
Question 3 Identify five events in a project that are likely to trigger the need for formal change control processes.
Question 4 Identify six things that are typically done in formal change-control processes and how this process is used to report change.
Question 5 Explain how work outcomes are measured in each of the areas listed below.

Question 6 Listed below are methods for measuring project progress against the project plan. Explain the use of each method.

Question 7 Answer the following questions about decomposition as a method for segmenting the work breakdown structure (WBS).
7.1 What is decomposition as a method for segmenting the work breakdown structure (WBS)?

7.2 How do you determine and estimate cost and duration in decomposition?

7.3 What determines the level of decomposition? List two.

7.4 Identify five activities that are involved in decomposition.

Question 8 Identify three ways you can document the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

Question 9 Listed below are areas in which problems and challenges can arise and affect scope management. Provide one example of problems or challenges that may arise from each area listed.
Health and safety
Human resources and project stakeholders

Question 10 Complete the diagram below by identifying the rest of the stages of the project life cycle, and in your own words, explain each stage of the project life cycle.

Question 11 Explain the significance of scope management in the project life cycle.

Question 12 Listed below are different tools used in the different stages of scope management. Explain the use of each tool in relation to the scope management process specified below.

Question 13 Identify the four crucial roles that the project manager holds in project planning and explain the responsibilities the project manager has in each role.

Question 14 Listed below are the different types of project initiation documentation. In your own words, explain what each document is.

Question 15 Answer the following questions on scope change and reporting procedures.
Why is it important to have reporting procedures for scope change?

What is project creep and how can this be minimized by following reporting procedures for scope change?

Question 16 Describe each of the problem areas below that are likely to be encountered in scope management.

1. Incompetent personnel
2. Client dissatisfaction
3. Scope elicitation issues
4. Documentation issues
5. Customers communicate directly with technical people


Scenario for AT2- Project (Part One) CYCLE STUDIO PROJECT
You are working for Bounce Fitness as the Assistant Manager who reports directly to the Centre Manager. The Fitness Centre has not been meeting its sales targets over the last six months and has experienced an unexpected increase in the number of members cancelling their membership. You have undertaken a competitor analysis of 10 local fitness facilities, which has revealed the following:
• Your local competitors offer a wider range of Group Fitness Classes.
• Your local competitors have more cardio equipment available during peak times.
• All your local fitness centres have Cycle Studios and offer a minimum of 8 cycle classes each week.
A SWOT analysis of your own fitness centre has revealed the following weaknesses:
• There are no cardiovascular Group Fitness classes that are low impact.
• The demand for cardiovascular equipment in the cardio room during peak times often exceeds supply, resulting in member complaints.
You have also determined that there have been many requests from members and prospective members at the fitness centre to provide cycle facilities.
• 20% of member cancellations over the last 12 months have been due to a lack of variety or scheduling issues with group fitness classes.
• 15% of prospective members who did not join after a tour of the facility stated that their decision was influenced by a lack of variety or scheduling issues with group fitness classes.
The Centre manager has decided that the installation of a cycle studio at Bounce Fitness Brisbane would be beneficial to the centre's profits and would allow the club to cater for members who are seeking low impact cardiovascular classes. Scheduling cycle classes at peak times at the fitness centre would also alleviate the demand for cardiovascular equipment in the cardio room and reduce member dissatisfaction and complaints.
The Centre Manager has asked you to be the project manager to install a cycle studio at the fitness centre. The details of the proposal are below:
• The installation of the cycle studio is proposed to increase the rate of new members joining the fitness centre by 20% and to increase member retention by 20%.
• The Centre Manager has proposed converting existing space in the gym into an indoor cycle studio. The conversion is proposed to occur through the remodelling of a disused staff bathroom and storage area and two offices.
• The Centre Manager has provided you with a diagram of the proposed location in the centre for the studio below. The red lines in the diagram represent walls that will need to be removed during the demolition and the two doorways that will need to be removed. In addition to removing walls, there is a shower cubicle, toilet and basin that require removal.
• The studio conversion will require a new ceiling, the installation of LED downlights in the ceiling and the walls and ceiling will require painting.

The studio is proposed to contain the following features:
• An instructor stage at the front of the studio that contains an instructor cycle bike
• 15 participant cycle bikes
• LED strip lighting installed along the skirting boards of the room, as well as downlights in the ceiling.
• A sound system
• Industrial rubber flooring

The Centre Manager has proposed the following budget for the project:
• $10 000 for all building works
• $2000 for the purchase and installation of all lighting
• $2000 for the purchase and installation of the sound system
• $20 000 for the purchase and delivery of 16 cycle bikes
• $2000 for the purchase and installation of new flooring
The Centre Manager has proposed that the studio is to be completed within three months.

Task 1.1- Develop procedures for project authorisation

About this Task:
Develop the procedures necessary to seek project authorisation and confirm these with the Centre Manager.

Before you can commence work on the project as outlined in the scenario, you must first ensure that there are well-defined project authorisation procedures to ensure that the project to be undertaken has been authorised appropriately.
The manager has asked the you (Assistant Manager) to define the procedures for the project authorisation of the project outlined in the scenario and seek confirmation on these procedures before completing the Project Charter.

Describe below the procedures that you will follow to seek project authorisation.
1. What are the steps that you will take to have your project authorised? Consider the following:
• What information will you refer to whilst planning your project authorisation?
• What documentation will you complete to seek authorisation?
• How will you present this document?
• Who will you present the project authorisation documentation to?
• If modifications are requested to the project authorisation documentation, how will these be made?
• How will any modifications to the project authorisation documentation be approved?

2. Plan how you will complete the Project Charter:
• How will you determine the objectives of the project?
• How will you develop the project scope?
• Who can you consult with to aid in determining the inclusions and exclusions of the building work?
• How will you determine the milestones in the project?
• How can you determine if there are any dependencies?

Task 1.2- Confirm Project Authorisation Procedures
About this Task:
You are required to role-play this task with a participant (another student from the class or the Assessor) who will play the role of the ‘Centre Manager.'
Instructions for Student:
You will role-play a meeting between self (Assistant Manager) and the Centre Manager in which you are required to seek to confirm their procedures for project authorisation. During this role-play, you are required to perform the following:
• Present the procedures for the project authorisation template from Part 1, Task 1.1.
• Seek feedback from the appropriate authority on the procedures.
• Make any necessary changes to the procedures if required.
• Present the plan on how you will complete the Project Charter.
• Confirm that they have approval from the appropriate authority for the procedures for project authorisation.

• You will complete a role play task with another student (chosen by the assessor)/Assessor who will play the role of appropriate authority.
• You will use the Part 1, Task 1.2 Meeting Minutes Template and complete the same during the role play task.
• After the role play, you will make changes and submit an updated copy of procedures for project authorisation

Task 1.3- Develop the Project Charter for Project Authorisation and Submit for Approval

About this Task:
You (Assistant Manager) have obtained quotes from the builder, electrician, bike supplier and flooring contractor for the project. Use this information and the information from the previous tasks to complete the ‘Project Charter Template'. Once completed, the template will be submitted to the Centre Manager for approval and authorisation to expend resources.

You are required to:
• Complete the Part 1, Task 1 Project Charter according to the information provided in the scenario, the Part 1 Project Quotes document, and the previous tasks.
• Role-play presenting the Project Charter to the Centre Manager for approval and authorisation to expend resources.
• During this role-play, the ‘Centre Manager' must sign the Project Charter to provide their authorisation.

Project objective The project should have a measurable objective based upon the deliverable. The objective can be broken further into linking sub-objectives where applicable. This section can be strengthened by:
• The appropriate alignment of the project's objective to those of the Client's and Project Organisations
• The use of the SMART objective setting principle
• The incorporation of Key Success Factors (KSF) outlining criteria essential to the project's success

Task 1.4- Complete the RACI Matrix Template

About this Task:
You are required to confirm project delegations and authorities by completing the Part 1, Task 1.4 RACI Matrix.
Instructions for Student:
You are required to:
• Complete the responsibility assignment matrix (RACI) to define the activities or tasks that each person or team is responsible for.

» Determine the main tasks or milestones involved in the completion of the project (minimum five required)
» Determine who the project team members are for the tasks or milestones identified
» For each task or milestone, identify which project team members are involved and what their role is. The team member may be:
o Responsible for the task
o Accountable for the task
o Consulted in relation to the task
o Informed of the task
Please note: If a project team member is not involved in the task, you can leave the corresponding square in the RACI Matrix blank.

Task 1.5- Complete the Stakeholder Register Template

You are required to:
• Complete the Part 1, Task 1.5 Stakeholder Register Template to identify whose interests should be taken into account to achieve the project objectives.

» Determine the roles of the stakeholders involved in the project (minimum of four stakeholders)
» Allocate their interest
» Allocate their influence
» Define their expectations and communication requirements

Task 1.6: Confirm the project delegations and authorities

About this Task:
You are required to confirm project delegations and authorities by conducting a role play

You are required to:
• Complete a role play activity where they meet with at least two (2) relevant project stakeholders (played by other students) to review the completed Part 1, Task 1.5 Stakeholder Register and Part 1, Task 1.4 RACI Matrix

» Walking the project stakeholders through the information recorded in the stakeholder register
» Address any questions the project stakeholders have on the completed stakeholder register
» Records feedback from stakeholders on the stakeholder register they developed
» Records revisions required in the stakeholder register they developed
» Confirms with the project stakeholders that the information recorded on the stakeholder register is correct, given the feedback/revisions provided by the project stakeholders in the meeting

» Walking the project stakeholders through the information recorded in the completed RACI Matrix
» Addresses any questions in the project stakeholder/s have on the RACI Matrix
» Records revisions required in the stakeholder register they developed
» Confirms with the project stakeholders that the information recorded on the RACI Matrix is correct, given the feedback/any revisions required provided by the project stakeholders in the meeting.


Task 2.1- Role play with stakeholders to define the project scope

About this Task:
During this task, you will be required to facilitate a role-play between self and simulated project stakeholders to define the scope of the project. You will host a meeting with relevant stakeholders, establishing the project's outcomes, and documenting the scope management plan.

You are required to plan their meeting agenda by using the ' Part 1, Task 2.1 Meeting Agenda Template'. Once you have planned the agenda, you are required to conduct a role-play with the following stakeholders to present this agenda:
• The group fitness manager who will be coordinating the staff and advertising material for the launch of the cycle studio
• The builder who will be undertaking all building works to convert the office space into the cycle studio
• The Centre Manager of the Fitness Centre
During the role-play, you are required to perform the following:
• Consider your role as Project Manager and how you can contribute to the success of this project.
• Identify and negotiate project boundaries which includes but is not limited to discussing the requirements for the project to follow Workplace Health and Safety Policy and Procedures and Risk management Policies and Procedures.
• Establish the benefits, outcomes and outputs of the project.
• Establish a shared understanding of the desired outcome of the project.
• Identify and uses appropriate conventions and protocols to communicate with diverse stakeholders.
• Collaborate with others to achieve joint outcomes.
• Play an active role in negotiating and facilitating agreement amongst stakeholders.

• You are required to:
» Complete the Stakeholder meeting agenda template to plan their meeting agenda.
» Have access to at least three (3) individuals (other students from the class) to play the role of stakeholders for their presentation
» Provide the role-play participants with the scenario and define their simulated role as a stakeholder
» Use the completed Part 1, Task 2.1 Meeting Agenda Template to host their meeting
» Negotiate project boundaries with participants
» Allow participants to ask questions during the presentation.

Task 2.2 - Document scope management plan

About this Task:
You have now successfully defined the scope of their project with the key stakeholders. They are now required to document the scope management plan for their project based upon the outcomes of their meeting in task 2.1.


Task 3.1- Implement agreed scope management procedures and processes

Part One- Task 3.1 Scenario
You have been granted permission to implement your completed scope management plan from task 2.2. To proceed with the implementation of the plan, you will be required to perform the following:
• Determine the work breakdown structure (WBS).
• Create a Gantt Chart to manage the timeline of the project.
• Communicate the WBS and Gantt Chart to the relevant stakeholders.

You have obtained the following information to aid with your development of your WBS and Gantt Chart.
• The Centre Manager does not want to confirm the studio design for two weeks until the Group Fitness Manager has had time to review the proposal and provide feedback on the proposed door placement, stage placement and bike layout.
• The builder will not commence work until 29/05/20XX due to his existing work schedule. He will require three weeks to complete the tasks. The builder has given you his estimated work schedule:
» Week 1: demolition and waste removal, sheeting of walls.
» Week 2: sheeting ceiling, plastering and sanding.
» Week 3: Build stage for instructor and painting.
• The electrician will be able to complete his installation of the lighting and sound in one day. He has suggested scheduling the electrical work at the same time as the ceiling is installed.
• The flooring contractor has confirmed that he can remove the old flooring and install the new flooring in one day. You have booked the flooring installation for their first available appointment on 03/05/20XX.
• You have booked the cycle bikes to be delivered the day after the flooring is installed. The supplier will arrange to carry them into the fitness centre, and the Group Fitness Manager will arrange the bikes in the room as they arrive.

About this Task:
During this task, you are required read the scenario provided above and follow task instructions.
Instructions for Assessor:
• You are required to:
» Use the Part 1, Task 3.1 Work Breakdown Structure Gantt Chart Template and:
o Complete the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) template to define each task required to be completed and who is responsible.
o Complete the Gantt Chart template by using the tasks from the Work Breakdown Structure and allocating a start and end time.
» Ensure that in the Gantt Chart they:
o Allocate a specific colour to each person in the 'person responsible' column and use this colour for any tasks in the Gantt chart that they are responsible for.
o Ensure that they abide by any tasks with a set start date as per the ‘about this task' section above.
o Consider any task dependencies in their schedule.
o Consider any tasks that can run concurrently with other tasks

• Once the WBS and Gantt Chart is complete, you are required to simulate sending an email to the following people to confirm their work schedule:
» The builder to confirm the start date and expected completion date as well as to confirm the tasks to be completed during each week of work.
» The electrician to confirm the expected start and completion date.
» The flooring contractor to confirm the expected start and completion date.
» The supplier of the Cycle Bikes to book the delivery date.
Please note: Send an email four (4) separate emails to the Assessor addressing the Assessor as the builder, electrician, flooring contractor and the supplier.

Task 3.2- Monitor the impact of the scope changes

Part One- Task 3.2 Scenario
You are required to read the scenario below and to make updates to the project documentation accordingly:
• The builder has completed the demolition of the internal walls but has identified an issue. There is structural damage to the flooring due to a leaking shower. The leak has caused irreparable damage to several load-bearing joists. There will be an additional cost of $2000 to cover the labour and materials for these repairs. You have followed the scope change protocols and have had this chance to scope approved by the relevant stakeholders. The builder has advised you that he will need to spend the rest of this week repairing this damage before he can move onto the next scheduled task. He anticipates the following change to his schedule:
» Sheet walls and ceilings in week two of his schedule
» Plaster and sand in week three of his schedule
» Paint in week four which should only take three days.

About this Task:
During this task, you are required read the scenario provided above and follow task instructions.

Task 3.3- Make critical decisions

Part One- Task 3.3 Scenario
You are required to read the scenario below and to make updates to the project documentation accordingly:
The supplier of the cycle bikes has contacted you to advise you of an unexpected delay in shipping the bike model A that you have selected. The supplier has advised you that they can supply Model B or Model C within your timeframe. You cannot wait three months for model A, so you have been asked by the Centre Manager to choose between Model B and Model C.

Model A Model B Model C
$1250 $1300 $1350
5-year warranty 5-year warranty 7-year warranty
Standard saddle Ergonomic saddle Deluxe ergonomic saddle
Blue grey or yellow Blue or black
Available in 3 months Available in 2 weeks Available in 2 weeks

Task 3.4- Identify and document improvements for future projects

Task 3.5- Review stakeholder feedback on scope management

Part One- Task 3.5 Scenario
The Cycle studio has now been operational for three months. Bounce Fitness has undertaken a review to determine the effectiveness of the scope management. Review this feedback and make recommendations for improvements to scope management for future projects.

Part Two- Task

Scenario for AT2- Project (Part Two) SMALL GROUP TRAINING (SGT) PROJECT
You are working for Bounce Fitness as an Assistant Manager. The Centre Manager has reviewed the current services that the fitness centre offers and has determined that Personal Training is currently at capacity. Six Personal Trainers work full time at Bounce Fitness. During peak times at the fitness centre, there are rarely any timeslots available for new clients to book a session. This impacts the ability to attract new members to the fitness centre and upsell Personal Training to existing members. There is also limited space in the gym for more Personal Trainers to work. During peak times, there is often not enough equipment for both members and for Personal Trainers to use during client sessions. The Centre Manager has proposed that the fitness centre offers Small Group Training (SGT) sessions and one-on-one sessions with Personal Trainers (SGT sessions are exercise sessions conducted by a Personal Trainer with a small group of participants). These sessions at Bounce Fitness would allow one Personal Trainer to train up to 6 members at once in a small space and with limited equipment. The SGT sessions' cost is more affordable than a one-on-one Personal Training session and maybe more enticing to members who prefer to train with others. A cost analysis has been conducted below:
• 30-minute Personal Training sessions at your club cost $50.
• The average cost for SGT in your local area is $30 per 30-minute session.
Session Type Number of participants Cost per person Total Revenue
Personal Training 1 $50 $50
SGT 2 $30 $60
SGT 3 $30 $90
SGT 4 $30 $120
SGT 5 $30 $150
SGT 6 $30 $180
The timeslots for the proposed sessions are:
• 5:00 am, 6:00 am, 7:00 am, 8:00 am Monday - Friday
• 5:00 pm, 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm Monday - Friday
It is expected that not all sessions will be at full capacity every day. The Centre Manager has set the target to reach an average of 5 participants per session within three months of the SGT launch.
SGT sessions with 5 participants
Day 5 am 6 am 7 am 8 am 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm Total
Monday $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $1200
Tuesday $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $1200
Wednesday $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $1200
Thursday $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $1200
Friday $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $1200
Weekly Total $6000
The Centre Manager would like to dedicate the back left corner of the cardio lounge to conducting the SGT sessions. This corner currently contains tables and chairs that are rarely used. This furniture would be removed to make room for the SGT training area. The SGT sessions will require their own equipment to ensure enough equipment is available for all members and Personal Trainers during peak times. The Centre Manager would like the SGT project to be complete within 12 weeks.
The Centre Manager has proposed the following budget:
• Purchase fitness equipment from your supplier for a budget of $8000. For this price, the supplier can provide:
» 2 x chin-up bars
» 2 x squat racks with barbells and weights (needs to be mounted to the floor)
» 2 x suspension trainers
» 6 x medicine balls
» 6 x skipping ropes

• The builder from ‘Builders and Co; has provided you with a quote for $5000 for the following tasks. The quote includes the cost of equipment and materials.
» Install storage shelves to store equipment
» Install chin-up bars (ordered from fitness supplier)
» Install rubber flooring
» Install a screening wall to separate the sgt area from the cardio lounge
• Place a recruitment advertisement for a Personal Trainer to take the SGT sessions (budget $400).
• Design advertising material (posters and marketing email and SMS) with the graphic designer, 'Elle's graphics' (budget $250).
• Print 10 x A4 posters, 8 X A2 posters and 200 flyers to display in the club through the company ‘Printing Professionals' (budget $250).
• Marketing email and SMS to all prospective members in the Bounce Fitness Brisbane database to be sent by the Assistant Manager using a program subscription ‘Marketing Magic'(budget$1500).

Task 1.1- Develop the Project Charter for Project Authorisation and Submit for Approval

About this Task:
Use the information from the scenario to complete the 'Part 2, Project Charter Template'. Once completed, the template will be submitted to the Centre Manager for approval and authorisation to expend resources.
Instructions for student:
• You will use the Part 2, Task 1.1 Project Charter Template and use the information provided in the scenario
• After the completion of the template, you will role play presenting the completed Project Charter to the Centre Manager (Assessor) for approval and authorisation to expend resources

Project objective The project should have a measurable objective based upon the deliverable. The objective can be broken further into linking sub-objectives where applicable. This section can be strengthened by:
The appropriate alignment of the project's objective to those of the Client's and Project Organisations
The use of the SMART objective setting principle
The incorporation of Key Success Factors (KSF) outlining criteria essential to the project's success

Task 1.2- Complete the RACI Matrix Template
About this Task:
Confirm project delegations and authorities by completing the RACI matrix template to define the activities or tasks that each person or team is responsible for.

Instructions for student:
• You are required to:
» Use the ‘Part 2, Task 1.2 RACI Matrix Template'
» Determine the main tasks or milestones involved in completing the project (minimum of five required).
» Allocate a relevant project team member for each of these tasks or milestones.
» For each Project task, you must identify which Project Team Members are involved and their role. The Project Team member may be:
o Responsible for the task
o Accountable for the task
o Consulted in relation to the task
o Informed of the task
Note: If a Project Team Member is not involved in the task, you can leave the corresponding square in the RACI matrix blank.

Task 1.3- Complete the Stakeholder Register Template

About this Task:
Complete the Part 2, Task 1.3 Stakeholder Register Template to identify whose interests should be taken into account to achieve the project objectives.

Instructions for student:
• You are required to:
» Use the ‘Part 2, Task 1.3 Stakeholder Register Template'
» Determine the roles of the Stakeholders involved in the project (minimum of four stakeholders)
» Allocate their Interest
» Allocate their Influence
» Define the expectations
» Define the communication requirements

Task 1.4- Confirm the Project delegations and Authorities

About this Task:
Confirm project delegations and authorities.

Instructions for student:
• You are required to:
Conduct a role-play where they meet with at least two (2) relevant project stakeholders (other students from the class or the Assessor/s) to review the Stakeholder Register and RACI Matrix they developed in the previous tasks.
The agenda must address the following:
Stakeholder Register:
» The student walks the project stakeholder/s through the information recorded in the stakeholder register.
» The student addresses any questions the project stakeholder/s have on the stakeholder register.
» The student records feedback from stakeholders on the stakeholder register they developed.
» The student records revisions required in the stakeholder register they developed.
» The student confirms with the project stakeholders that the information recorded on the stakeholder register is correct, given the feedback/any revisions required provided by the project stakeholders in the meeting.

The RACI Matrix:
» The student walks the project stakeholder/s through the information recorded in the RACI Matrix.
» The student addresses any questions the project stakeholder/s have on the RACI Matrix.
» The student records revisions required in the stakeholder register they developed.
» The student confirms with the project stakeholders that the information recorded on the RACI Matrix is correct, given the feedback/any revisions required provided by the project stakeholders in the meeting.

• You are required to refer to the completed RACI Matrix and Stakeholder Register Template to plan the agenda
• The individuals playing the role of stakeholders must have access to the Part Two scenario and a copy of the completed RACI Matrix and Stakeholder Register Template

Task 2.1- Role play with stakeholders to define the project scope

About this Task:
During this task, you will be required to define the project scope by hosting a meeting with relevant stakeholders, establishing the project's outcomes, and documenting the scope management plan.

You are required to plan their meeting agenda by using the ' Part 2, Task 2.1 Meeting Agenda Template'. Once you have planned the agenda, you are required to conduct a role-play with the following stakeholders to present this agenda:
• The Personal Training Manager who is responsible for training the staff who instruct the SGT sessions.
• The builder who will be undertaking all building works for the SGT area.
• The Centre Manager of the Fitness Centre. During the role-play, students are required to perform the following:
During the role-play, you are required to perform the following:
• Identify and negotiate project boundaries.
• Establish the benefits, outcomes and outputs of the project.
• Establish a shared understanding of the desired outcome of the project.
• Identify and uses appropriate conventions and protocols to communicate with diverse stakeholders.
• Collaborate with others to achieve joint outcomes.
• Play an active role in negotiating and facilitating agreement amongst stakeholders.

• You are required to:
» Complete the Stakeholder meeting agenda template to plan their meeting agenda.
» Have access to at least three (3) individuals (other students from the class) to play the role of stakeholders for their presentation
» Provide the role-play participants with the scenario and define their simulated role as a stakeholder
» Use the completed Part 2, Task 2.1 Meeting Agenda Template to host their meeting
» Negotiate project boundaries with participants
» Allow participants to ask questions during the presentation.

Task 2.2 - Document scope management plan

About this Task:
You have now successfully defined the scope of their project with the key stakeholders. They are now required to document the scope management plan for their project based upon the outcomes of their meeting in task 2.1.
Instructions for student:
• You are required to:
» Refer to the completed Part 2, Task 2.1 Meeting Agenda Template
» Complete the Part 2, Task 2.2 Scope Management Plan Template in accordance with the Part 2 scenario and the outcome of the role play activity in Task 2.1

Project Objectives
Describe the high-level goals of the project and how they relate to overall business objectives. Include measurable success criteria.


Task 3.1- Implement agreed scope management procedures and processes

Part Two- Task 3.1 Scenario
You have been granted permission to implement your completed scope management plan from task 2.2. To proceed with the implementation of the plan, you will be required to perform the following:
• Determine the work breakdown structure (WBS).
• Create a Gantt Chart to manage the timeline of the project.
• Communicate the WBS and Gantt Chart to the relevant stakeholders.

You have obtained the following information to aid with the development of the WBS and Gantt Chart.
The Centre Manager would like the project completed as quickly as possible with a deadline of 12 weeks.
Equipment and layout of SGT space:
• The Centre Manager does not want to confirm the equipment order or the layout and fixtures of the area (shelving, flooring, screening wall) until week three, when the Personal Training Manager returns from leave.
• The equipment delivery needs to take place before the builder commences work as the chin-up bars need to be installed. Delivery will be within two weeks of the order date.

The builder will be responsible for the following tasks, which will take no longer than one week:
• Installing shelving for the small fitness equipment
• Installing the floor-mounted chin-up bar
• Installing rubber flooring
• Building a screening wall to partition the SGT area from the rest of the cardio lounge.

Recruitment and training:
• The advertisement can be placed in week three after the Personal Training Manager has reviewed the advertising wording.
• You have been asked to run the recruitment advertisement for four weeks to allow time to capture all possible candidates; however, you can start interviewing from week two.
• On the fourth week of the recruitment advertisement, the candidate can be hired.
• The candidate must be able to commence work the following week after being hired.

• The marketing material must be ready for the pre-sale scheduled to begin 12/04/20XX
• The graphic designer requires two weeks to create the artwork. You must wait until the meeting with the Personal Training Manager in week three before the graphic designer can commence work.
• The printer requires one week to deliver your order to the Fitness Centre.
• Once the graphic designer has completed the artwork, you can program the SMS and email marketing campaign yourself.

Commence SGT sessions
• The sales team will start the pre-sale of the SGT sessions as soon as the marketing material arrives at the fitness centre and the SMS/email marketing campaign begins.
• Once the candidate has had two weeks of training, the SGT sessions will commence.

Task 3.2- Monitor the impact of the scope changes

Part One- Task 3.2 Scenario
During the project, there have been some changes to scope that have occurred. Read the information below and update the project documentation accordingly:
There have been the following changes to the scope of the project.
• The Personal Training staff have raised concerns that the equipment bought for the SGT is not adequate for up to 6 participants. It was decided that kettlebells will be purchased to ensure there is enough equipment and variety for the sessions. You have followed the change control processes to have an additional $1000 approved to purchase further equipment.

• You have interviewed all the applicants for the SGT Personal Training position; however, there are no candidates that meet the selection criteria and have the required availability. You have identified two potential candidates who would be suited to the role of Small Group Trainer in a part-time capacity.

Between the two staff members, it would be possible to cover all of the classes that you have scheduled. You have followed the change control process to have this approved by the relevant stakeholders. Trainer one is scheduled to start work at Bounce Fitness on 9/04/20XX, and Trainer Two is scheduled to start work at Bounce Fitness on 12/04/20XX.

• Trainer One has no experience or qualifications for the use of Kettlebells. This was not a requirement of the recruitment advertisement as kettlebells have only just been added to the scope. Trainer One will need to attend a Kettlebell Certification Course before teaching any SGT sessions. You have booked Trainer One into a course on the 27/04/20XX. The cost is $350, which will be paid for by Bounce Fitness. Trainer Two is certified in the use of Kettlebells and does not need to attend any further training or development.

Task 3.3- Identify and document improvements for future projects

About this Task:
During this task, you are required to identify and document scope management issues and recommend improvements for future projects from your experience as the Assistant Manager overseeing this project.

Task 3.4- Review stakeholder feedback on scope management
Part One- Task 3.4 Scenario
You have been provided with feedback on the effectiveness of the SGT sessions four months from the initial launch. Review this feedback and document any issues, and recommend any improvements for future projects.
About this Task:
During this task, you are required to read the scenario provided above and follow task instructions.

Attachment:- Manage Project Scope.rar

Reference no: EM133547452

Questions Cloud

About bystander intervention and diffusion of responsibility : Based on what you've learned about bystander intervention and diffusion of responsibility,
What is the difference between a covenant and a contract : Compare and contrast the Nightingale Pledge and the Patient's Bill of Rights. How are they the same and how do they differ? What is the difference between
Greater impact on values for children family or culture : Review Brofenbrenner's Model, what has a greater impact on values for children family or culture, what familial values may confront cultural values.
How do entrepreneurial businesses impact the economy : How do entrepreneurial businesses impact the economy? What types of businesses interest you the most. What appeals to you about those businesses?
Components of a project scope management plan : BSBPMG530 Manage Project Scope, Australian Engineering College - List the five components of a project scope management plan.
Which of the following private solutions resolving : Which of the following private solutions resolving the externality of pollution took place in this scenario? Integration of different types of businesses
What type of insurance does javion likely have : Javion Leonard has a life insurance policy that allows him to change his premium without changing his coverage. He can also access his cash value with a policy
Affect the stages of group development : Process and Practice and share how the use of role-plays among group members could affect the stages of group development.
Why were these various forms of communication so successful : Why were these various forms of communication so successful? Which do you think were most important? Why? What content is necessary for this form


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