Reference no: EM131718872
Targeted Leadership Development Plan (Paper)
An important component to becoming an effective leader is self-awareness and having a plan for leveraging strengths and developing upon weaknesses.
You are required to complete between 3-4 tools including (Multi-Source Feedback, the DiSC Behavior styles Inventory, The Emotional Intelligence Appraisal, the Values in Action Inventory &/or a Resiliency Inventory) and write a 5- page paper that summarizes what you’ve learned from these tools in terms of your strengths and potential development areas. Here are some of the areas you want to discuss in your paper.
a. DiSC Inventory: (Required) What is one or two things you will do as an analysis of your behavior style preferences to work effectively with others on how you approach tasks or assignments
b. Multi-Source Feedback: (Required) What did you learn about your strengths, behaviors and development areas?
c. Resiliency Inventory: How you handle stress or work and life challenges and/or Values in Action Inventory In what ways do your values influence your authentic leadership style? Or, the style you’d like to develop? and/or Northouse Leadership Inventories
d. FLOW What is your strategy to promote flow states and intrinsic motivation for you and for others?
e. What’s your plan as a result of your feedback?
f. What were the implications for learning?