Reference no: EM133099385
1. Look at each of these workplaces. Identify what you think is potentially the most critical resource hazard/risk with sustainability associated with working in this role. Refer to ecology and doing the right thing like what uses too much resources for example.
Hard or risk
A housekeeper in a 120-room hotel
A chef in a kitchen
Food service assistant in a takeaway café
An office worker in a multi-storey building
List five things you must comply with to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.
List two areas of environmental concern in a business that local council by-laws are responsible for controlling.
Briefly explain the purpose of industry accreditation schemes. Provide two examples of industry environmental accreditation schemes that you are familiar with in your workplace or have seen in others.
A code of practice sets out industry standards of conduct. It outlines the rules you must abide by in the workplace. List two codes of practice that you must abide by in your workplace or training environment.
Your workplace has a number of computers and printers that you know are left in stand-by mode overnight. What suggestion for improvement would you make?
Your workplace has a procedure in place that the dishwasher be turned on at the end of every shift and any remaining dishes be washed. What suggestion for improvement would you make? How would you be more savvy?
List four things you and your team members can do or make changes to when searching for opportunities to improve sustainability in the workplace.
Think about your workplace or training environment - e.g., food service, accommodation, commercial kitchen. What work practices, procedures, products or services have been introduced to address sustainability requirements in each of the areas listed? For example, what procedures or products have been changed to reduce the impact of cleaning chemicals on the environment?
Job role
Land and wildlife
You observe a colleague disposing non-recyclable waste in the recycle bin. What should you do?
You report a potential breach of environmental regulations to your manager. Rather than addressing the issue, your manager tells you to 'get back to work; the environment is not your concern'. What action could you take, and who would you talk to?
In many workplaces, there are several organisational plans that you can refer to, to help you understand what environmental and resource efficiency systems and procedures are in place. List three documents or plans that you can refer to and briefly explain each one.