Reference no: EM133817538 , Length: word count:2000
Innovation and Creativity in Business Analytics
Assessment - Report: Complexity Science and AI
Students are to write a 2,000-word report using on Complexity Science principles and AI in business
Assessment Description
In this assessment, you will be writing an individual report that encourages you to be creative with business analytics, whilst also developing a response to a brief containing a "wicked problem", to be addressed using Complexity Science principles and Artificial Intelligence.
The wicked problem relates to lack of ethnic integration in Australia (a lack of interculturalism, as compared to an acceptance of multiculturalism) and how this can be addressed at the three levels of government in Australia - local council, state government and federal government. In developing a solution moving forwards, also explain the role than technology can perform in lessening ethnic geographical divisions within suburbs in Australian cities. In so doing, consider the impact that the inter-relationship between the 3 levels of government can have on dealing with this issue.
"Australia is often invoked as a successful multicultural country with a long history of welcoming and settling migrants from all corners of the world (Ang and Stratton 1998; Colic-Peisker 2011; Mansouri 2015)..........
In addition to emergent security concerns, interculturalism was also characterised as more in tune with super-diversity-a phenomenon reflecting complex socio-cultural expressions of identity and attachments (Rodríguez-García 2010; Vertovec 2007; Zapata-Barrero 2017). It is understood as a contact-based approach to diversity management that emphasises intergroup interaction, exchange and dialogue (Zapata- Barrero 2019). In this context, interculturalism is hailed as a new concept distinct from multiculturalism and focussed on harnessing intercultural understanding and social harmony in an increasingly super-diverse globalised world (Cantle 2012)............
In justifying Australia's adoption of multiculturalism, political leaders often stress the socio-economic benefits it can provide.................
Yet over the years, Australian multiculturalism has been framed mainly around the broader societal acceptance of the cultural rights of minority groups within mainstream society (Mansouri 2015; Koleth 2010). Its basic tenets, predicated on the equality of rights and opportunities for everyone regardless of ethnic backgrounds, have remained an enduring feature across successive governments and policy articulations. Thus, in its current form, Australian multiculturalism encompasses the acceptance of ethnic and cultural diversity, inclusive immigration policies and legislations prohibiting racial discrimination (Ho 1990; Koleth 2010). It has been viewed as an integral component of the Australian national identity, which emphasises normatively the overarching goal of achieving a just society that is inclusive of culturally diverse groups (Levey 2012).
Successive Australian Labour and Liberal governments have deployed multiculturalism in this normative sense, formulating a range of social policies, such as "the pursuit of social justice, the recognition of identities and appreciation of diversity, the integration of migrants, nation building, and attempts to achieve and maintain social cohesion" (Koleth 2010, p. 2).........................
Currently, Australian multiculturalism is yet to be legislated at the national level. However, states (e.g. Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia) have legislated multicultural acts, with various provisions of rights and recognitions of diversity. This indicates some degree of overlap in policy legislation and implementation. Across different levels of government, available multicultural policy incorporates specifically the provision of access to government programs and services, equity in the delivery of outcomes for diverse communities and protection against discrimination. These goals laid out in various policy documents (e.g. Multicultural Policy Statement, The Peoples of Australia, Multicultural Access and Equity Policy) seek to achieve social integration through immigrant settlement programs, support services, language programs and cultural heritage recognition.
Compared with multicultural policy, interculturalism has not taken hold in Australia as firmly as it has in Europe and Canada. Intercultural practice, which by definition is more about contact, dialogue, interaction and exchange involving individuals from different cultures occurs, mainly occurs within local settings-such as schools, among neighbourhood communities and in local councils. The stated goal of an intercultural approach is to foster social cohesion. This has been the alleged weakness of Australian multiculturalism - that it has not gained currency within mainstream society".
Assessment Instructions
Imagine that you are a Local Government expert in multiculturalism and interculturalism. You also have expertise in complexity science and artificial intelligence.
You are to consider Initiatives for your Local Government to better embrace interculturalism in your local council area. Get Homework Help Now!
Your recommended initiatives are to your local council should be based on data. For example, a small snippet of this data is reported at:
There is a need to access additional third party reports to support your findings in your research report.
Your report should have:
An introduction (200 words)
A section discussing the association between multi-culturalism and inter-culturalism, based on an application of data sets and third party reports (600 words)
A section on the role of complexity science in helping to unlock the rules that can underpin connections amongst the three levels of Australian Government with multi-culturalism and inter-culturalism.(200 words)
A section recommending how artificial intelligence can be used in conjunction with complexity science to better manage inter-culturalism in Australia at a Local Government (local council) level (800 words)
Conclusion and recommendations (200 words)
At least six references in Harvard or another recognised academic format.