Reference no: EM131955861
Complex Mental Health & Recovery
Nursing considerations related to working with ambivalent or resistant mental healthcare consumers
- You are required to provide a presentation to the class on one of the following:
o [i] A discussion on the relevance of your topic for Mental Health Nursing.
o [ii] A short critique of the most useful 1-2 pieces of literature used in your research [this again must relate to contemporary Mental Health Nursing].
- Please note that you need to construct and present your information in a manner that is engaging and interesting to the class. Simply reading out large sections of pre-written notes without regular adlib commentary or discussion is not acceptable and will result in a lower grade being awarded as you have not fulfilled the core requirements of the assessment.
- Your presentation will need to run for 10 minutes plus an additional 5 minutes allocated for question and answer time [total 15 minutes].
- You will need to have a plan to lead the question time section of the presentation as this will be included as part of your grade.
- Utilise a clear presentation plan / dot points.
- Utilise signposts provided by Presentation Marking Guide.
- Research tips for effective presenting skills online (there are a lot!).
- PowerPoint will not be available to use in your presentation.
- Be creative; if unsure about the suitability of an idea for your presentation please email your tutor regarding your ideas to discuss this further.
- You must provide a Bibliography (in APA 6th edition format) to your Tutor before commencing your presentation.
o This is a bibliography so you can include anything you read in preparing your presentation (which is more than what you might expect to see cited in a reference list).
o Do not include reference to the lecture notes or to Wikipedia: these will NOT be considered.
o You need to use contemporary literature from journals, books and Government web pages that is relevant and trustworthy.
o If you do not present the list to your Tutor before commencing your presentation you will receive 0/4 for this section and the rest of your presentation will be marked down as you have not supported your work with an evidence base.
o Any list that is not in APA 6th edition format will score a maximum of 1/4.