Complex mental health and recovery

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM131955861

Complex Mental Health & Recovery

Nursing considerations related to working with ambivalent or resistant mental healthcare consumers


- You are required to provide a presentation to the class on one of the following:

o [i] A discussion on the relevance of your topic for Mental Health Nursing.

o [ii] A short critique of the most useful 1-2 pieces of literature used in your research [this again must relate to contemporary Mental Health Nursing].

- Please note that you need to construct and present your information in a manner that is engaging and interesting to the class. Simply reading out large sections of pre-written notes without regular adlib commentary or discussion is not acceptable and will result in a lower grade being awarded as you have not fulfilled the core requirements of the assessment.

- Your presentation will need to run for 10 minutes plus an additional 5 minutes allocated for question and answer time [total 15 minutes].

- You will need to have a plan to lead the question time section of the presentation as this will be included as part of your grade.

- Utilise a clear presentation plan / dot points.

- Utilise signposts provided by Presentation Marking Guide.

- Research tips for effective presenting skills online (there are a lot!).

- PowerPoint will not be available to use in your presentation.

- Be creative; if unsure about the suitability of an idea for your presentation please email your tutor regarding your ideas to discuss this further.

- You must provide a Bibliography (in APA 6th edition format) to your Tutor before commencing your presentation.

o This is a bibliography so you can include anything you read in preparing your presentation (which is more than what you might expect to see cited in a reference list).

o Do not include reference to the lecture notes or to Wikipedia: these will NOT be considered.

o You need to use contemporary literature from journals, books and Government web pages that is relevant and trustworthy.

o If you do not present the list to your Tutor before commencing your presentation you will receive 0/4 for this section and the rest of your presentation will be marked down as you have not supported your work with an evidence base.

o Any list that is not in APA 6th edition format will score a maximum of 1/4.

Verified Expert

This presentation is the mental health nurses and their behaviour towards mental ill patients. This presentation discuss about the psycholical approach to treat the patients.

Reference no: EM131955861

Questions Cloud

Examine the financial statements of the companies : Examine the financial statements of the two companies in your pair. Most ratios are computed by the websites. If you need any ratio that is not available.
Prepare a schedule showing the current portion : Prepare a schedule showing the current portion of the long-term receivables and accrued interest receivable that would appear in Braddock's balance sheet.
What is the total rate of return over the three years : An investment pays a rate of return of 0.2 in year 1, -0.2 in year 2, and 0.2 in year 3. What is the total rate of return over the three years?
Which bond holder will be willing to lend you the amount : You can choose to undertake two mutually exclusive projects: Project 1 will return in one year a payoff of 120 with probability 10%, or a 0 payoff with 90%.
Complex mental health and recovery : NURS2098 - Complex Mental Health & Recovery - discussion on the relevance of your topic for Mental Health Nursing - relevance of your topic for Mental Health
Which projects should chris accept : Chris is evaluating several independent project proposals and has computed the benefit-cost ratios of each project and those values are presented below.
Determine the interest payment for three bonds : Determine the interest payment for the following three bonds.
Net present value of switching from cash-only policy : Calculate the net present value (NPV) of switching from the cash-only policy to the 30-day credit terms.
Discuss about the changes to the mix of debt and equity : Choose a public company and provide some commentary on the company's chosen capital structure. This can be seen by looking at the mix of debt and equity.



4/24/2018 6:10:10 AM

Utilises clear strategies to engage the tutorial group during the presentation. 2. Makes effective use of handouts and uses time effectively. 2. Questions and answer section of the presentation effectively lead / managed. 2. Use of creativity in presentation. 1. Bibliography provided in APA format. 4 Total 20 marks Total Marks Total / 20


4/24/2018 6:10:05 AM

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS RELATED TO WORKING WITH AMBIVALENT OR RESISTANT MENTAL HEALTHCARE CONSUMERS. reference should be at least of 4 pages please & i have attached the criteria of making this presentation which is of 10 mins presentation. Thanks Assignment: Presentation Component Feedback Sheet Criteria Possible Mark Actual Mark Introduction to topic including objectives/purpose of the presentation. 1. 1. Discusses relevance of topic to contemporary mental health nursing. OR 2. Discusses 1-2 pieces of literature related to the topic and to contemporary mental health nursing. Consider: - Relevance to clinical interventions in practice. - Relevance to professional practice. - Relevance to reflectiveness in practice. - Relevance to broader education in practice. - Relevance to mental health promotion in practice. 8.

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