Complex culture of neanderthals

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Reference no: EM133458456


1. What specific examples do we have of the complex culture of neanderthals? (Be specific and think holistically)

2. Draw on what you said above and consider what examples and data we have speaking directly to the high level of intelligence of neanderthals?

3. What specific examples do we have of the complex diet of neanderthals? (be specific).

Reference no: EM133458456

Questions Cloud

What is difference between religion and witchcraft : What is the difference between religion and witchcraft? Describe how witchcraft affected the style of life and world views of the Azande.
How civilize way of life influenced growth of social classes : Describe how a civilize way of life influenced the growth of social classes, epidemic diseases, politics, military, weapons, and warfare.
Explain adaptive success of bipedal locomotion : Describe in detail three theories aiming to explain the adaptive success of bipedal locomotion.
Ritual and social status from watching film salamanders : What can you discern about ritual and social status from watching the film "Salamanders"?
Complex culture of neanderthals : What specific examples do we have of the complex culture of neanderthals?
Distinguish between ethnicity and race : Distinguish between ethnicity and race. What does it mean to say that race is a social construction?.?
Examine anthropology dual identity : Examine anthropology's dual identity as a member of both the social sciences and the humanities.
Nugent mentions older critical anthropology : Nugent mentions an older critical anthropology and a newer critical anthropology.
Foundational concepts in cultural anthropology : Culture, ethnocentrism and cultural relativism are the key , foundational concepts in cultural anthropology.


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