Completion of a federal corporate tax return

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM131268584

Corporate Tax Return Project

This assignment requires the completion of a Federal corporate tax return, the 2015 return for the MPC Corporation.  The return involves the third year of operations of MPC Corporation.  MPC is a C Corporation. 

You may prepare the tax return using tax software or use the IRS's "fill-in" forms.  The forms may be found by going to go to - Forms and Publications.  Under Forms and Publications there is a link to "previous years" for the 2015 forms.  I highly suggest using the tax software in the book- if you don't have the software see me.

FORMS:  use the 2015 forms (you can also use 2013 or 2014 forms):  do NOT buy the 2015 or 2014 software.  You can get old software on Amazon or Ebay.


Complete the corporate tax return for 2015 for MPC Corporation.   This may include the Schedules A, C, D, E, J, K, L, M-1/ M-2, 4626 and 1120-W.  Be careful about what additional forms are needed.

I am looking for the following (and will grade accordingly) with this assignment:

1. Correct use of the Forms

2. Documentation

For any judgment call you must document your position.  A very short summary of facts/ law/ conclusion is required.  In the documentation include any questions you have for the client.

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Reference no: EM131268584

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11/7/2016 2:18:51 AM

The returns must be completed no later than the date listed in the syllabus. For every DAY that the return is turned in earlier than the due date. For any judgment call you must document your position. A short but detailed summary of facts/ law/ conclusion is required. Grading: the return is 50% and the documentation is 50%. In the documentation please include a section for client questions: what would ask the client if you could?

Write a Review

Taxation Questions & Answers

  Taxable income

Determine taxable income before considering expense.

  Prepare a tax research memo

Prepare a tax research memo to the file that addresses the issues you feel are most relevant to Mimi's various issures.

  Income by ordinary concepts

Explain what is meant by income by ordinary concepts

  Identify the tax issues

Identify the tax issues that are raised and the relevant sections of the legislation. Identify any cases and other sources of law or information that apply.

  Calculate carolines taxable income

Calculate Carolines taxable income

  Taxation – law and practice

Show the tax issues that are raised and the relevant sections of the legislation.

  Payment to the taxpayer

Brief statement in your own words of the facts of the cases.

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Prepare the C Regular Corporation Tax Return for the Lawson And Norman Enterprise

  Taxation law

Advise the participants in the ‘barter' system of the income tax implications, if any, of participating in the system.

  A tax on cigarettes is a good way of raising tax revenue

Discuss- A tax on cigarettes is a good way of raising tax revenue for the government

  Prepare the required journal entry

Prepare the required journal entry to record the tax expense

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Calculate Barb's taxable income? What nonrefundable credit is Barb eligible for based on the information you have?

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