Reference no: EM13846510 , Length:
Reflective Journal
Throughout this module, you will be asked to reflect on your learning and record those reflections in a Reflective Journal. For each Reflective Journal entry, a series of question prompts is provided to help you guide your writing and thinking. Keeping a Reflective Journal serves two purposes. First, it helps you make sense of your learning by allowing you to organise your thoughts and understand the themes of the module.
Second, it enables you to prepare one element of your Final Project: a Reflective Portfolio composed of your Reflective Journal entries. In future modules, you will be asked to prepare a final reflection on your learning on the module, but not necessarily to create Reflective Journal entries in each unit. The Reflective Journal Assignments in this module are a special feature designed to help you learn how to engage in effective reflection.
For this unit's Reflective Journal, you will reflect on the managerial roles gap analysis you completed using this unit's resources. Managers, as you have studied this week, perform many different roles. Mintzberg's research identified a set of competencies that are important for each of these roles. Also in this unit, you examined the importance of self-reflection leading to enhanced self-awareness. In this assignment, you will apply your developing skills of self-reflection to assessing the gap between your current competencies and those required for your current or a desired job. Few people are already perfectly prepared for their present and future jobs. For this reason, managers can benefit from such a gap analysis. To prepare for this Reflective Journal entry, review the Managerial Roles Gap Analysis media and complete the Managerial Roles Gap Analysis questionnaire.
To complete your Individual Assignment:
Write 2 to 3 paragraphs on these questions:
-What did you learn from completing the "Managerial Roles Gap Analysis"?
-Which of Mintzberg's managerial roles are most important for managing in complex, changing workplace environme Why?
-Which of these managerial roles might you need to develop beyond your current capabilities?
(2) Final Project Preparation: Reflective Journal
In Unit 1, your first Individual Assignment was an entry in a Reflective Journal. You read about and discussed the purpose and value of reflection and reflective thinking for leaders. As you progress through your programme, you will find it valuable to continue this process of reflection, formalizing your thoughts in a document such as a reflective journal.
Part of your Final Project in this module is a Reflective Portfolio, composed of your reflections on your learning and thinking throughout this module. In this Unit, prepare for this element of your Final Project by writing a second Reflective Journal entry.
For this unit's Reflective Journal entry, write 2-3 paragraphs that address the following questions:
- What might be the value of strengths-based feedback to you as a leader and manager?
- What skills in giving and receiving feedback do you need to develop further?
- What aspects of your ability to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment do you need to develop further?
(3) Individual Assignment 2: Reflective Journal (Leadership and Transformation)
You already have engaged in significant reflection in this unit by creating and sharing your transformational story and responding to those of others. In this Unit, you will add a third Reflective Journal entry, and submit the journal entries you have created thus far for feedback from your faculty member.
For this Reflective Journal entry, reflect on the process of writing and sharing your transformational story, and think ahead to future experiences that may serve as opportunities for further growth. With that in mind, write 2 to 3 paragraphs that address the following questions:
- How can a transformational experience influence you as a leader and manager?
- What skills can you acquire from a transformational experience or critical incident?
(4) Final Project Preparation: Reflective Journal
In this unit, continue writing in your Reflective Journal about your thoughts and reactions to the learning resources, activities, and assignments, about what you are learning and how your thinking is developing, and about how you will take your learning forward in your career.
For this unit's Reflective Journal entry, write 2-3 paragraphs that address the following questions:
- What character traits are essential for a leader or manager?
- What differences do you see between your personal and professional values? What are the implications of those differences?
(5) Final Project Preparation: Reflective Journal
In this Unit, continue writing in your Reflective Journal about your thoughts and reactions to the learning resources, activities, and assignments related to your PPDP and about how you will take your goals and action plan forward in your career.
When reflecting on your PPDP, consider what you have learned from your planning and how you can put it into practice as a tool in your ongoing development. Consider how your development could be more effective for you by identifying positive and negative learning points. What do you feel you have gained from this exercise, and how could it have been improved?
For this unit's Reflective Journal entry, write 2-3 paragraphs that address the following questions:
- How did the experience of completing a PPDP make you think about your goals differently?
- What did the readings and Shared Activities contribute to your thinking about your own goals and action plan?
- How important is it for a leader to set goals, plan actions, and reflect on progress toward goals? Which skills does a leader need in order to accomplish this?
- Do you feel it is beneficial to accomplish your goals on your own or with help from a network of people? Why or why not?