Completing financial analysis for the apple company

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM133212625 , Length: Word Count: 4 Pages

Assignment - Finance Apple Inc Financial Analysis

You will be completing financial analysis for the following company: Apple

Note, you do not need to calculate financial ratios - you can rely on 3rd party information if you wish - however, you must cite your sources!

The objective is to provide an unbiased analysis of the company by pulling from their financial reports and other available information. Grading will reward submissions which take the view to apply financial information in their response (not simply quote it)

Your response should be 4-7 pages in length, typed single space using 12 pt font.

Use of headers and bullets to communicate information is recommended.

Suggested Format -

Company Overview: Industry, management, competition, strategy, key developments, success factors, etc..

Financial Overview: Any items on Financial statements which may give you pause, question, need for re-valuation based on management assumptions, which elements of the financial reports are most relevant, MD&A comments that stand out, etc..

Financial Performance: Company vs. Peer/Industry, Historic Performance, how are they doing? Use only relevant financial ratios/performance indicators - be sure to let reader know why they are the ones you've chosen!

If you are using a source for the ratios (no need to calculate yourself) then please reference the source!


Would you invest/ lend to this company? Why/Why not?


Reference no: EM133212625

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