Completing a database lock and submission for analysis

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM133325300

Analysis Division Assignment

You are the lead biostatistician for the project 22-XYZ-01. The data management team provides you raw data from the lab vendor Health Labs and await your feedback before completing a database lock and submission for analysis. The DM team provides you two documents:

- Raw_Data_LAB.xlsx: Raw laboratory data
- LAB_Coding_Dictionary.pdf: Variable code dictionary


Prepare a brief (1-2 page maximum) feedback report for the DM team to further investigate/clean/format the data(base).

- Elaborate on any data that may be of concern through your review - provide rationales for your concerns, if you have any.
- Request for any additional information you may need from the DM team and/or the laboratory vendor in order to analyze the lab data.

Your analysis pipelines, written in R/SPSS, expects imported data via the TIDY data format:

- Provide instructions in your report to the DM team to re-format this database in order to have the data ready for analysis.


Prepare a short (1-3 page maximum) summary report for the data division lead, who does NOT have access to the raw data, but is familiar with the variable codes and laboratory parameters.

- Provide a general descriptive summary of the laboratory data.
- Present an EDA of the laboratory data; if performing outlier detection and/or imputations, provide rationales to justify any modifications to the raw database.

The client/sponsor is really eager to know (informally) if there is any evidence that the IP had any effect on the lab parameters through the course of the study:

- Apply a simple model to explore any potential trends in the data and include this in your report to the data division lead.

Attachment:- Analysis Division Assginment.rar

Verified Expert

This task provides a clear working example of descriptive and inferential statistics that helps the researcher to predict the lab factors that influence the platelet count. The descriptive statistics were computed for all the lab parameters and a box plot was constructed to determine the distribution of all those lab parameters. Apart from a few parameters all other lab parameters failed to validate the normality assumption

Reference no: EM133325300

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