Complete the whole form with ideas that respond

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Reference no: EM133290324


The forms below are for children ages 12 to 30 months. I'm limiting the upper end so you truly are planning for younger children, not preschoolers. While the text uses "mobile infants" for children 8-18 months, I'm using the more common term, "toddler" to include children 12-30 months. Consider the following descriptions of Play Time and Routines before you complete the assignment:

Play Time: Toddlers tend to walk around a lot! Like bees, they swarm towards an interesting area, overwhelming each other with the size of the group. Then, they lose interest and begin to wander away. If someone finds something exciting in another area, they soon call the attention of the rest of the group with their excitement. This can cause a new "swarm!" When I picture your "group plans," I am thinking about these kinds of interactions, not a whole group or set small group of children. The "group" will go from small to large to individual, depending on the current interest of the children. Children can be redirected if the group is already too large (crowded, noisy). But children should be able to choose from many different areas in the classroom. They also need long periods (45 mins. to 1 ½ hours) of play time. While these can be exhausting for adults, this is important practice for toddlers to learn about the world and how to navigate the people in it. Think of their conflicts as learning opportunities, rather than inconveniences for adults!

Complete the following using the attached form below. Type directly into the form.

Group Planning for Free Choice (Free Play) Form: complete the whole form with ideas that respond to children's current interests and needs. Again, just make up children's interests and your related ideas if you don't have a current classroom of toddlers.

Reference no: EM133290324

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