Complete the tax return for Mr James and his partner

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM131682536


As a final case study covering all the rules learned in this course, you are required to prepare comprehensive personal income tax returns using a tax preparation software.  The facts you must use for this case study are given below.  The completed tax returns must be submitted no later than the week before the end of the course (week 13) - see due date indicated on the Course Schedule/Calendar.  I strongly recommend you work on the tax returns throughout the course, as we progress through each module, and not wait until the case study is due.  In particular, it may take several days (even over a week in some cases) to obtain permission to download the free tax software that is available with this course (see below) so plan ahead.

The publisher of the textbook for this course has made arrangements with a tax software company called Intuit Canada to have a tax return software called "Profile" made available free of charge to students of this course. The process to download a free student copy of the Profile software requires that you register with Intuit Canada. This process is explained in detail in a separate message I posted in the Comprehensive Tax Return Case Study forum on the Discussion Board. It is also explained on the Student Companion Website under the "Profile Access" tab.


Using a tax preparation software - preferably the Profile software that is provided free of charge by Intuit Canada to students of this course - and the facts given below, complete the tax return (T1) for Mr. James Doode and his common-law partner, Susan Bond, for the 2017 taxation year, including all relevant schedules, forms and worksheets, e.g. Form T2125 must be used for the calculation of business income, etc.  Ignore any GST or HST aspects.  You must submit the completed tax returns for both James and Susan through the Case Study page on the Blackboard portal by attaching the file containing the data for both tax returns if you used the Profile tax software (both files with a .17T extension) - do not attach the program file for the Profile software (file called "profile.exe") as that file does not contain the data for the tax returns you prepared.  NOTE: no marks will be given for submitting the Profile program file alone.

Attachment:- Case Study.rar

Verified Expert

The assignment provided me a case study in which i was required to to fill the tax return of two persons in Canada. the solution required me to use a Canada based software to compute the tax of the persons specified in the case study provided by the client.

Reference no: EM131682536

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Complete the tax return for Mr James and his partner : COMPREHENSIVE TAX RETURN PREPARATION CASE STUDY - Complete the tax return (T1) for Mr. James Doode and his common-law partner, Susan Bond
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10/16/2017 8:14:19 AM

You can use another tax preparation software than the Profile software provided with this course. The purpose of this exercise is to work with a tax software - it doesn't matter which one you use. If you do use another software, please note that I will not be able to access the data files created by that software as I only have access to the Profile software. In that case, you will have to submit a pdf copy of the completed tax returns with all relevant schedules, forms and worksheets. If I cannot access the tax returns, I cannot grade them and no marks can be given for your work. I have posted hints on the forum called "Comprehensive Tax Return Case Study" on the Discussion Board to help you with this assignment.

Write a Review

Taxation Questions & Answers

  Taxable income

Determine taxable income before considering expense.

  Prepare a tax research memo

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  Income by ordinary concepts

Explain what is meant by income by ordinary concepts

  Identify the tax issues

Identify the tax issues that are raised and the relevant sections of the legislation. Identify any cases and other sources of law or information that apply.

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Calculate Carolines taxable income

  Taxation – law and practice

Show the tax issues that are raised and the relevant sections of the legislation.

  Payment to the taxpayer

Brief statement in your own words of the facts of the cases.

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Prepare the C Regular Corporation Tax Return for the Lawson And Norman Enterprise

  Taxation law

Advise the participants in the ‘barter' system of the income tax implications, if any, of participating in the system.

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Discuss- A tax on cigarettes is a good way of raising tax revenue for the government

  Prepare the required journal entry

Prepare the required journal entry to record the tax expense

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Calculate Barb's taxable income? What nonrefundable credit is Barb eligible for based on the information you have?

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