Reference no: EM132988925
Question: Focusing on the case under, you now will complete the step of the critical thinking process: Application. You will apply a Consequential Ethical Theory - Act Utilitarianism - to resolve the main ethical-moral issue.
Case 2, "A Drop In The Bucket.": Tom is an engineering student entering his senior year at State University. Tom was selected to participate in an internship at a prestigious engineering firm. The internship provides valuable practical experience, as well as the possibility of a job offer. While working on an assignment during what are supposed to be his few weeks at the firm, Tom discovers what he believes to be an oversight on the part of the managing engineers, which, if allowed to remain uncorrected, would have serious ramifications on the environment, Mr. Morie tells Tom "not to worry" and it has been done at the client''s insistence, and the EPA has already approved the plan. Tom is concerned that the plan, if implemented, will be destructive to the environment, killing all aquatic life within a 20-mile radius.
Apply Act Utilitarianism, as follows:
Paragraph - Summarize Act Utilitarianism. Include descriptions of the key terms-concepts: Utility, Net Utility, and Happiness. Use your own words. Do not use quotations.
Analysis-Application - Act Utilitarianism (chart)
Use the same analysis chart include four options, four stakeholders, and possible consequences.
In the chart, enter the happiness number for each consequence.
Provide the happiness scale you used.
Add a row to the bottom of the chart, and add up the numbers for each option to indicate the total Net Utility for each option. Remember, if a stakeholder is more than one person (e.g., group, team, family, citizens, business), estimate how many are in the group, and multiply the happiness number by the number of persons in the group. If a stakeholder is one person, multiplication is not needed.
Conclusion paragraph
State the "best" option, and explain how a true Act Utilitarian would come to this conclusion. Include the Net Utility number, and explain how you determined the number. Be impartial. Avoid any bias; do not express your own personal opinion; do not use the words, "I think" or "I feel."