Complete the entire website assignment

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131210050

Question: Assignment: Ridgewood Herald Tribune

Directions: Complete Tutorial 10 Case Problem 2 - Ridgewood Herald Tribune found on pages 734-736 of your textbook. Complete the entire website assignment and upload your files to your 000WebHost account. After uploading the files make sure to update your index.html page to link to the Case web page (front.htm). Your online work will be graded, but please zip your Case Problem 2 files and submit them in the "LP2 Assignment: Ridgewood Herald Tribune" assignment dropbox. If needed, these instructions are available for help with zipping files.

The student data files can be found by going to the Content Map and then clicking on the Student Data Files link. This assignment is worth 100 points and will be graded according to the following scoring guide.

Scoring Guide (100 Points)

Rating Scale

10 Work meets or exceeds criterion at a high level of competence.

8-9 Work reflects an understanding of criterion with minor misunderstandings/misconceptions.

4-7 Criterion partially met, but one or more important concepts/skills are missing or flawed.

1-3 Work reflects an attempt to meet criterion, but significant misunderstandings/misconceptions are apparent.

0 Criterion not met or work is absent.


1. Open the fronttext.htm file.

2. Enter "your name" and "the date" in the comment section.

3. Resave the file as directed.

4. Insert a script element accessing the functions in the random.js file.

5. Insert another script element.

6. Replace the content of the div element with a script element and declare a variable named rNumber.

7. Declare a variable named rAd equal to the text string returned from the adDescription() function.

8. Declare a variable named rLink.

9. Save changes to the file and review for errors.

10. Debug as necessary.

Verified Expert

This assignment describe the use of script language that is javascript and dynamic handling of html tag through java script. A random number is generated each time which causes th different image to populate at the browser.

Reference no: EM131210050

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9/21/2016 9:08:29 AM

To solve the associated assignment, I will need some more information. The information needed is as follows: 1) Where is the fronttext.htm file? Is it present, or do we have to create it on our own? 3) Where are the directions to resave the file? 4) Is the random.js file present or do we have to create on our own? Is this LP2 Ridgewood Herald Tribune available online, for us to look at the question?

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