Complete the employment law compliance plan task

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13848684

Complete the Employment Law Compliance Plan task in the form of a memo, as described in the message from Traci on the Atwood and Allen Consulting Page.

Traci Goldeman


Atwood and Allen Consulting

From: Traci Goldeman

To: You

Subject: Employment Law Compliance Plan


This week, I need you to develop an employment law compliance plan for one of our clients. Remember, you can choose to work with a small, medium, or large business client. It's up to you. Make sure you check the Client Communications link to see a copy of my communications with the client regarding this issue.

After you do that, you'll need to start researching applicable employment laws for the necessary city, state, or country. Also research enforcement and consequences of noncompliance with said laws.

Then, you'll need to identify the most relevant employment laws your client must be concerned about to create an employment law compliance plan.


Traci Goldeman


Atwood and Allen Consulting

Required elements:

· At least four employment laws
· Assignment should be in memo format
· Cite all appropriate research used
· No more than 1400 words
· A brief summary of each law and the consequences of noncompliance with those laws.

Reference no: EM13848684

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