Reference no: EM13492887
Complete the criteria audit report.
you will then be required to audit 20 cases available in Resources on Blackboard or 20 hospital records. When using the hospital records on Blackboard, some of the details are missing. Please use your imagination and make this up for the sake of the exercise.
Once you have completed your audit on 20 cases, create a summary sheet. On Blackboard in Resources are two Excel spreadsheets called "80 Cholecystectomy Criteria Audit Results" and "80 Health Record Criteria Audit Results". Selecting the correct spreadsheet, add these 80 cases to your summary sheet. You now have data for 100 cases that you can analyse and draw some meaningful information from.
Your final report should have the following headings (see Chapter 3 for section descriptions):
1. Introduction
2. Background & literature review:
a. Curtin Hospital (make this up)
b. Specific information about either:
i. cholecystectomy surgery.
ii. good documentation practice
c. The use of audits and either:
i. cholecystectomy surgery
ii. good documentation practice
3. Rationale
4. Objectives
5. Criterion
6. Methodology
7. Results (give just the results, using both prose and tables/graphs - do not interpret or discuss the results)
8. Discussion/Findings (interpret & discuss your results and link to any literature or benchmark against past audits at Curtin Hospital or against other peer hospitals - you can make this up. Note - this and your results should be the biggest sections in your report)
9. Recommendations - any further action required?
10. Dissemination of Results
11. Acknowledgements
12. Appendixes
a. Blank data collection form (please do not submit your completed 20 data collection forms)
b. Summary sheet
1-Do the signs, symptoms and investigations pre-cholecystectomy justify the surgery?
2-Was the pathology report positive?
3-(a)Was there surgical exploration of the common bile duct?
(b) If so, is there evidence of disease of the common bile duct?
4-Is the admission free of unplanned additional surgery?
5-Has the patient been given antibiotic prophylaxis in accordance to the given protocol?
6-Is the admission free of intraoperative or postoperative blood transfusion?
7-Was the result of the procedure non-fatal?
8- Was the length of stay ≥5days?
9-Is the number of days preoperative ≤ 1 day?
10-Is the record free of readmission for any related condition?
11-Is the cholecystectomy procedure free of surgical wound infection?