Complete preliminary investigation and requirements analysis

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM13750981

You will use the information learned throughout the course to identify and document a full information system for a small company. You will apply the basic steps of the SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle) to design and implement the IT infrastructure for an electronic health care data system for the (mythical) "Our Town" urgent care facility* by addressing what actions are taken and what decisions are made in each phase.

Make sure to address key technical issues from this course and to include and specify key elements and components of a computer system as covered in this course, including (but not limited to) the following (in no particular order):

HIPAA compatible EMR software
Hardware that supports the EMR:
CPU type, speed, etc.
Memory type, size, speed, etc.
Desktop or mobile
In house or cloud based system
Operating system
Other required software
I/O devices (i.e., peripherals)
Shared resources
Storage; backup; disaster planning
Physical and electronic Security
While you could design your own application, it's acceptable (and recommended) to search, compare, and select an existing EMR from the Web

Use the SDLC to help organize the paper and use its steps to show how the requirements, design, implementation and testing are accomplished. However, the emphasis of the paper must be on the technology outcome and how it flows from the functional requirements.

Remember that there are many variants of the SDLC other than what is presented in the above module. You may use any variant of the SDLC that you wish provided that (a) it is logical and complete (and not pulled out of the air), (b) it is appropriate for the system you are designing in your paper, (c) you identify which variant you are using, and (d) you include each step.

Make sure your paper identifies which approach you will employ, but clearly articulate the steps used to:

1. Complete a preliminary investigation, requirements analysis, and system recommendation
2. Specify a detailed design based on your set of requirements.
3. Develop the system according to your design specification.
4. Outline how you would test the system and gain user acceptance.

Reference no: EM13750981

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