Reference no: EM133109293
Assessment task - Simulation Based Assessments
Assessment Task 1: Oral medication administration (powder), per rectal suppository administration
Mr Henk Ventor, 66 years old, presented in your clinical setting with abdominal pain this morning. During a physical health assessment, Mr Ventor tells you that he has not opened his bowels for the past four days. Mr Ventor has a history of frequent constipation that has been managed by a high fibre diet at home.
You are required to undertake the following activities:
• Refer to Mr Ventor's medication chart (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory)
• Calculate the correct dose of medication to be administered with 100% accuracy
• Apply rights of medication administration
• Safely administer the prescribed stat aperients
• Complete the medication chart (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory).
You may demonstrate this procedure using the manikin in the simulated nursing laboratory. Your assessor will provide voice over for the manikin and respond to your questions to the patient.
Your assessor will play the role of the registered nurse, where appropriate. The time allocated for this assessment is ten minutes.
Assessment Task 2: Pain assessment and management, oral medication administration (tablets, Schedule 8 meds), Complementary therapy (hot or cold packs)
You are answering the nurses' call bell for Mrs. Richards, 66 years old. Time is 1345 hours. Mrs. Richards states that she has severe pain in her right shoulder and requests urgent pain relief. Mrs. Richards has a history of Osteoarthritis.
You are required to undertake the following activities:
• Perform pain assessment using appropriate tools (PQRST/ DOLOR/ Numerical scale etcetera)
• Refer to the medication chart of Mrs. Richards (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory)
• Calculate the correct dose of medication to be administered with 100% accuracy
• Apply rights of medication administration
• Safely administer the prescribed analgesic
• Demonstrate the use of the pill cutter
• Apply complementary therapy suitable in this situation
• Complete the medication chart and progress notes (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory).
You may demonstrate this procedure using the manikin in the simulated nursing laboratory. Your assessor will provide voice over for the manikin and respond to your questions to the patient.
Assessment Task 3: Topical patches
Ms Simon, 44 years old, is admitted with abdominal pain for investigation. Ms Simon has a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus, is a chronic smoker and is currently on nicotine replacement therapy because the hospital is a no-smoking area. Ms Simon has dry eye syndrome in both eyes. Time is 1700 hours. Ms Simon is having her dinner. Your time planner shows that Ms Simon is due for some medications between 1700 and 1800 hours.
You are required to undertake the following activities:
• Refer to the medication chart and Diabetes Management Plan (Insulin chart) of Ms Simon (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory)
• Calculate the correct dose of medication to be administered with 100% accuracy
• Apply rights of medication administration
• Safely administer the prescribed medications/patches
• Complete the medication chart and Diabetes Management Plan (Insulin chart) (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory).
You may demonstrate this procedure using the manikin in the simulated nursing laboratory. Your assessor will provide voice over for the manikin and respond to your questions to the patient.
The time allocated for this assessment is ten minutes.
Your assessor will play the role of the registered nurse, where appropriate.
Assessment Task 4: Administration of oral antibiotics, subcutaneous injections, Inhalers (MDI and dry powder ones) and sublingual wafers; Intravenous (IV) Cannula Observation and IV Cannula removal.
Mrs. Adrian, 84 years old, is admitted with infective exacerbation of COPD. Mrs. Adrian is on regular inhalers at home and does not use home oxygen. Mrs. Adrian's sputum culture came positive for Gram positive bacteria and she was on IV antibiotics. IV cannula observation shows that the IVC was inserted 3 days ago. The previous shift nurse handed over that the antibiotics has been changed to oral. Time is 0745 hours. Your time planner shows that Mrs. Adrian has medications due at 0800 hours.
You are required to undertake the following activities:
• Refer to the medication chart of Mrs. Adrian (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory)
• Calculate the correct dose of medication to be administered with 100% accuracy
• Apply rights of medication administration
• Safely administer the prescribed medications
• Manage IVC, as required
• Complete the medication chart (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory).
Your assessor will play the role of Mrs. Adrian.
Assessment Task 5: Administration of IM injection (ventrogluteal site / deep IM)
Mr Smith, 68 years old, is admitted for monitoring after an unwitnessed fall at home. Mr Smith has a history of dementia and has been confused since the fall. Occasional aggression has also been seen since admission into the hospital. A staff assist call bell rings and you are attending to the bell. You find Mr Smith trying to get out of his bed and punch the care staff companioning him. Companion staff member states that he can manage the client at the moment and asks you to get some medication to calm the client.
You are required to undertake the following activities:
• Refer to the medication chart of Mr Smith (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory)
• Calculate the correct dose of medication to be administered with 100% accuracy
• Apply rights of medication administration
• Check the prescription for medication to manage aggression and administer medication, as prescribed
• Complete the medication chart and progress notes after monitoring the client's response to the medication administered (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory).
You may demonstrate this procedure using the manikin in the simulated nursing laboratory. Your assessor will provide voice over for the manikin and respond to your questions to the patient.
The time allocated for this assessment is five minutes.
Assessment Task 6: Administration of IM injection and IV hydration
Mr Maloney, 56 years, is hospitalised for management of symptomatic pernicious anaemia. Mr Maloney has shortness of breath and numbness and tingling sensation in the palms of hands and soles of feet. Mr Maloney looks pale and is lethargic throughout the day. His oral intake has been poor in the last week due to nausea. Blood tests reveal haemoglobin levels of 74g/L, and deranged electrolytes. The doctor has ordered some medications and IV hydration to manage the situation.
You are required to undertake the following activities:
• Refer to the medication chart and IV fluids orders of Mr Maloney (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory)
• Calculate the correct dose of medications and IV fluids to be administered with 100% accuracy
• Apply rights of medication administration
• Administer medications and IV fluids, as prescribed
• Complete the medication chart and IV fluids chart (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory).
You may demonstrate this procedure using the manikin in the simulated nursing laboratory. Your assessor will provide voice over for the manikin and respond to your questions to the patient.
Assessment Task 7: Administration of IV injection (bolus), IV medication administration (piggy back), IV hydration and oxygen therapy.
Ms Carfi is admitted for the management of septicaemia. Ms Carfi is nauseous, dehydrated, feels short of breath and complains of extreme lethargy. Her blood cultures reveal several Gram positive bacteria. Doctor has prescribed oxygen, IV fluids and medications for Ms Carfi.
You are required to undertake the following activities:
• Refer to the medication chart and IV fluids orders of Ms Carfi (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory)
• Calculate the correct dose of medications and IV fluids to be administered with 100% accuracy
• Apply rights of medication administration
• Check the prescription for medications, oxygen and IV fluids, as prescribed
• Complete the medication chart and IV fluids chart after monitoring the client's response to the medication administered (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory).
• Prescribed oxygen therapy: 1-4L/minute via Nasal Prongs, Target O2 Saturation = >92%
You may demonstrate this procedure using the manikin in the simulated nursing laboratory. Your assessor will provide voice over for the manikin and respond to your questions to the patient.
Assessment Task 8: Administration of IV bolus injection and blood transfusion
Mr Farrell is hospitalised for the management of symptomatic anaemia from chronic gastric ulcers. Mr Farrell is short of breath on exertion, lethargic, feels dizzy at times and cannot do activities of daily living due to these issues. Vital signs show tachycardia and tachypnoea. Recent blood test shows that Mr Farrell's haemoglobin level is 68g/L and the doctor has ordered 1 unit of packed red cells. Mr Farrell has a history of congestive heart failure and hypertension.
You are required to undertake the following activities:
• Refer to the medication chart and blood products order form of Mr Farrell (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory)
• Calculate the correct dose of medication to be administered with 100% accuracy
• Apply rights of medication administration
• Administer medications and blood products, as prescribed
• Complete the medication chart, blood product order form, observation chart related to blood transfusion and progress notes after monitoring the client's response to the medication administered or blood transfusion (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory).
You may demonstrate this procedure using the manikin in the simulated nursing laboratory. Your assessor will provide voice over for the manikin and respond to your questions to the patient.
The time allocated for this assessment is ten minutes.
Assessment Task 9: Medication administration via NGT + nebulisation
Mr. John Moore, 64 years old, has a nasogastric tube inserted for enteral feeding after multiple surgeries in the oral cavity. John is on regular medications for anxiety since a diagnosis of squamous cell cancer. After the surgery, John needs nebulisation to ease oropharyngeal secretions. Time is 1145 hours.
You are required to undertake the following activities:
• Refer to the medication chart of Mr Moore (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory)
• Calculate the correct dose of medication to be administered with 100% accuracy
• Apply rights of medication administration
• Administer medications, as prescribed
• Complete the medication chart (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory).
You may demonstrate this procedure using the manikin in the simulated nursing laboratory. Your assessor will provide voice over for the manikin and respond to your questions to the patient.
Assessment Task 10: Monitoring IV fluids + Administration of Albumin + Removal of IV Cannula
Intravenous fluids are prescribed for 58 year old Mrs Maria Dimitris post appendectomy. Maria is having shortness of breath and breathing difficulty and is on oxygen therapy. Doctors found that this was due to fluid shift in her lungs. The last bag of 0.9% Sodium Chloride (Isotonic saline) is on flow and will finish soon. IV cannula is placed on the right median cubital vein (in right ante-cubital fossa).
You are required to undertake the following activities:
• Refer to the IV fluids form and blood products form of Maria (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory)
• Calculate the correct dose of IV fluids and blood products to be administered with 100% accuracy
• Apply rights of medication administration
• Monitor IV therapy
• Administer IV fluids and blood products, as prescribed
• Remove IV cannula after Albumin administration
• Complete IV fluids form and blood products form and progress notes (available in the patient folder in the simulation nursing laboratory).
You may demonstrate this procedure using the manikin in the simulated nursing laboratory. Your assessor will provide voice over for the manikin and respond to your questions to the patient.
Assessment Task 11: Administering enema
Demonstrate the appropriate steps in administering Microlax enema (5ml).
You may demonstrate this procedure using the manikin in the simulated nursing laboratory. Your assessor will provide voice over for the manikin and respond to your questions to the patient.
The time allocated for this assessment is five minutes.
Assessment Task 12: Administering lotion or cream
Demonstrate the appropriate steps in administering lotions or creams for a person. You may demonstrate this procedure using the manikin in the simulated nursing laboratory. Your assessor will provide voice over for the manikin and respond to your questions to the patient.
Assessment Task 13: Administering eye ointment
Demonstrate the appropriate steps in administering eye ointment to a person. You may demonstrate this procedure using the manikin in the simulated nursing laboratory. Your assessor will provide voice over for the manikin and respond to your questions to the patient.
Assessment Task 14: Using syringe drivers/pump
Discuss with your assessor what you will monitor when a medication is being administered via a syringe driver/pump. You must access the syringe driver/pump when you explain key aspects to be monitored.
Attachment:- Medicines and intravenous therapy.rar