Reference no: EM132311298
Application of Timber in Engineering Structures - Design Assignment
Complete design respective to flooring part and all with calculations in excel sheet check for vibration serviceability design for both lvl and clt choosing one from them.
Assignment Details - This assignment covers the main design competencies required for undertaking a commercial timber building design project. To complete the assignment, students are expected to put considerable amount of work including research to find relevant information to complete the design successfully.
What is required?
You are required to undertake the detail structural design of a 40m x 24m office building (2 storey) located in Sydney (Wind Terrain Category 3). Details of the required building plan and elevation is given in the attached drawing. The structural importance of the building is classified as normal. The design brief will require you to prepare options for each design stage and make recommendation on the preferred option.
You must design the building to conform to AS/NZS 1170 for gravity and wind loads, to meet SLS and ULS criteria. Since the wind loads are more critical than seismic, you are not required to design for earthquake events.
The available material is generally classified as (i) Grade 11 pine LVL, either 45mm or 63 mm thick - sourced from Australia or New Zealand and (ii) 3, 5 or 7 layered CLT panel options are available from XLam New Zealand.
You may assume that the foundations and basement masonry walls / retaining walls will be designed by others. The structural system for the building is essentially post and beam and / or portal construction with appropriate lateral bracing. All other walls are non-load bearing and as such, you do not need to design the infill walls.
You must design each of the design alternatives/options and make decision on your final choice/recommendation before moving to the next step.
1. Flooring - 2 options required (both simply supported single span):
- Floors must be designed to resist an imposed load of 3 kPa distributed loads, in conjunction with a 3.5 kN concentrated load
- Option 1 - a Timber composite floor spanning up to 8 m
- Option 2 - a CLT floor spanning up to 8 m
- All floor options must be designed for a deflection limitation of span / 300 for a short term SLS load of 0.7 Q.
- Design suitable floor support beams (spanning between columns / portal frames) to support the main floor
- Provide specification / details for acoustic / fire separation to meet a 60 minutes FRL fire rating
2. Framing - 2 options required:
- Option 1 - floor beams, columns and bolted roof trusses. You only need to design the standard truss- do not worry about the corner ridges.
- Option 2 - a gable portal frame (with floor beams as required) over the entire building. Whilst the architectural drawing gives guidance on the roof pitch, variation to it is acceptable as long as the roof height is not exceeded. You also have the flexibility to decide on the column / frame spacing.
- Design suitable lateral bracing in both directions to resist horizontal wind loads
3. Connections:
- Design connections for both framing options, noting the portal connections must be moment resisting and the truss connections must be bolted.
- Design all floor to beam and beam to column connections.
Each group should submit a soft copy of the following -
1. A professional design report that includes:
- An executive summary.
- Summary of all design assumptions, including loads.
- A summary table indicating the selected member sizes for each major structural element, including connections.
- Detailed calculations for all members and connection presented in an appendix.
2. CAD drawings - Should be drawn to scale and show preliminary design details for the structural elements of floor, wall and roof framing, bracing and connections.
3. Specification Sheet - A specification sheet should accompany the drawings and present any specific design assumption that a builder would need to know in order to construct the building.
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