Complete an essay discussing ethical theories

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Reference no: EM131212335 , Length: word count:1850

Part 1 Essay

Complete an essay discussing ethical theories and their relevance to the ICT industry. In the essay, consider ‘rights' vs ‘virtue', ‘relativist' vs ‘objectivist' and ‘consequentialist' vs 'deontology' and how they relate to professional codes of ethics and practice (eg. ACS, ACM, or IEEE Computing). You should make sure to discuss how they would assist with resolving an ethical question.

Make sure to

1. Describe each theory.

2. Compare and contrast theories.

3. Clearly state a professional code of ethics.

4. Comment on the connection between the code and the theories.

You must use the Harvard technique to cite your references within the essay.

You are to present a 5 minute discussion of your paper to the class.

Your essay must include:

Assignment Cover Page:(Use the cover sheet provided. Include the Title, Assignment number, Student Name and Number, Subject)

Introduction:(Introduction to the topic, a statement of the purpose of the paper and a brief description of the paper's structure.)

Body:(Discuss, compare and/or contrast different perspectives, present arguments supporting the purpose of the paper)

Conclusion:(A summary of the points you have made in the body of the paper. These should match your stated purpose.)

References/ Bibliography

The footer must include your name, student ID, and page number.

The paper will need to be 2000 words to cover the topic. A minimum of 1600 words is needed to pass.

Part 2 Presentation

During week 6 you will be required to give a brief 5-8 minute presentation to the class explaining either the analysis and conclusion of your essay topic or a detailed description of some aspect of the assignment which you found interesting.

You are expected to be an active member of the audience for other student's presentations.


You may use any appropriate presentation technology to support your presentation, but it is up to you toorganise anything that is not part of the usual classroom facilities.

Some points to note about your presentation:

You should assume that while the audience is not familiar with the particular case study, they have some knowledge of the fundamentals of Information Technology and Management Information Systems. Forinstance, while you would not expect to need to explain Porter's Value Chain, you might need to use it toexplain your analysis.

o Do not read out a prepared speech.
o Do not use slides unless they are needed (tables, graphs, pictures).
o Either use cards (with few words) that are small enough to sit in your hand (business card size is good) or make a sheet with big print headings (and nothing else) and lay it on the table where you can glance at it occasionally.
o Do not block the projector.


o Structure your presentation. There is much to be gained from organising what you will say. Make sure you have a suitable introduction and conclusion.

o Prepare your speaker's notes in the form of brief headings, and use these as prompts. If you are familiar with the material (as you ought) then you should be able to talk about it.

o Practice your presentation. If you have not given it out loud (preferably to a friend) you haven't prepared it.

o Slides should support your presentation, not replace it.

o Find an opportunity before your presentation to see how the projection system works.

IT Ethics different theory

Reference no: EM131212335

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9/19/2016 6:13:35 AM

Content Covered essay contents (5) Demonstrated knowledge of material (5) Delivery Quality of multi-media visuals / supporting materials (1) Presented to business audience (professional attire and manner) (1) Quality of vocabulary / professional use of Language (1) Spoke clearly and confidently / regulated pitch and volume (1) Timing under limit (1)


9/19/2016 6:13:20 AM

Preparation i) Refs provided on time - week 3 (2) ii) Draft outline week - week 5 (3) Report has an identified purpose i) States the purpose of the report; (3) ii) Describes the report structure. (2) Body of report i) Identifies and defines the major theories (5) ii) Presents a well-structured description of each theory (10) iii) Identifies & describes one or more Prof. Code (5) iv) Paper addresses theories vs code (10) References & Grammar i) Citations are used and indicated correctly (Harvard); (5) ii) Grammatical expression is satisfactory. (5)

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