Complete an accident prevention plan for a company

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697702

 Assignment : Accident Prevention Plan

You are to complete an accident prevention plan for a company. The Complete list of content/sections to be covered is listed in the contents section below. The company profile, which you need to match to the content/sections, is listed in the company profile section below.

The expected finished length of this assignment is from 75 to 100 pages. Use MS Word or its equivalent. File formats that are acceptable for this assignment include: doc, docx, and pdf.


Body Text Size: All of the body text in this assignment needs to be set in 12-point size. Please resist the temptation to mix and match point sizes. If you doubt your applications intentions, just select your text and insure that it is in 12-point size.

Header Text Size: All of the header text in this assignment can be set in 14-point or 16-point size. Please resist the temptation to mix and match point sizes. Pick your text size and use it consistently throughout the assignment. If you doubt your applications intentions, just select your text and insure that it is in its chosen point size.

Double Spacing: For this assignment select all of your text and set it for double spacing. This includes the headers and body of your work. This allows space for marking up or making notes while I am reviewing what you have written. This also helps to make the document more readable. (The exception to the double spacing is the text on the title page.)

Page Margins: Set your pages to one-inch margins. One-inch margins mean one (1") on all sides. The only text that ends up on the outside of the one-inch margin is the page number.

Title Page: This page will contain the title, "Accident Prevention Plan", and the name block. Place the title in the center, right to left and about one-third the way down the page.

Name Block: Place the name block in the center, right to left and about two- thirds the way down the page. Put your name first, then the class title and then the date.

Reference no: EM131697702

Questions Cloud

What would be the variable expense per unit : The selling price of a particular product is $7.00 per unit, fixed costs total $18,000, What would be the variable expense per unit
What is business process management : Explore how organizations use business process management. What is business process management (BPM)? Why do processes need management?
Identify organizational stakeholders : Develop and explain the organization's mission, values, and strategic initiatives. Identify organizational stakeholders and conduct a stakeholder analysis.
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry : The terpene composition of an essential oil can be determined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.
Complete an accident prevention plan for a company : You are to complete an accident prevention plan for a company. The Complete list of content/sections to be covered is listed in the contents section.
Create a presence so that firms message will be remembered : Create a presence so that the firm's message and sponsorship will be remembered. Provide a souvenir so that people will remember your event and company.
Calculate balance of accounts payable : Delleate Inc. has prepared the following purchases budget: Month Budgeted Purchases June $67,000 July 72,500 August 76,300 September 73,700 October 69,200.
What will be the basis of b in the bond : Assume that, of the total consideration paid by B, $1,050 represents payment for the bond itself, and $25 represents accrued interest. How will A be taxed?
Write balanced nuclear equations for two reactions : What are the atomic number and nucleon number of the isotope formed by these two steps? Write balanced nuclear equations for these two reactions.


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