Complete a thorough investigation on actual soviet spies

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131886131

Assignment: American Society in the Cold War Era

Complete both parts of this assignment.

Part A: American Culture and Society in the 50s

From the following two lists, choose five events from each column. Identify the basic facts, dates, and purpose of the event in two to three sentences in the Identify column. Include why the event is significant in the significance column, and add a reference for your material in the reference column.

Fabulous 50s Culture

Reverand Billy Graham

The Hula Hoop

Cold War Society


Red Scare


House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)

The Mickey Mouse Club

Ronald Reagan (President of the Screen Actors Guild, not as the future U.S. president)

Interstate Highways

Senator Joseph McCarthy


Fallout Shelter

Drive-in Theaters

Duck and Cover Drill



Leave it to Beaver


I Love Lucy

Cuba and Fidel Castro

American Bandstand

Cold War Propaganda

Elvis Presley

Alger Hiss

Chuck Berry

The Korean War

James Dean

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg















The hula hoop












The Mickey Mouse Club



MICKEY MOUSE CLUB, THE. (1995-2013).













The Korean War




Part B: Select and complete one of the following:

Option 1: Cold War Soviet Spy

Option 2: Red Scare and McCarthyism

Option 1: Cold War Soviet Spy

For this assignment, imagine you are a Soviet (USSR) spy during the 1950s Cold War-era. You have been instructed to write an encrypted letter to your Soviet contact explaining the recent past and current U.S. Cold War policies, events, and practices. Once you have completed this letter, you will mail it to your contact in Paris, so he or she, in turn, will forward the message to a KGB agent in Moscow.

Resource: Historical and Scholarly Sources

Review the Historical and Scholarly document in this week's reading.

Complete a thorough investigation on actual Soviet Spies in the 1950s. You may use your textbook, primary and secondary sources, scholarly sources, and newspapers/magazines.

Create a letter of 700- to 1,050 words. You may use the letter template below.

Include at least five of the following events/policies:

• The Marshall Plan
• Warsaw Pact
• The Truman Doctrine
• National Security Council Document Number 68 (NSC-68)
• Korean War
• The Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
• Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
• Containment
• Eisenhower Doctrine
• Hungarian Revolution
• American U-2 Spy plan (1960)

Include one source for this assignment.

Format the text of your letter consistent with appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Option 2: Red Scare and McCarthyism

In this scenario, you are a set designer for a Hollywood movie production company in 1952. You decide to write a letter to the editor of the Los Angeles Times against Senator Joseph's McCarthy's anti-communist pursuit of the entertainment industry in Hollywood.

Review the required reading on the Red Scare and McCarthyism.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word letter to the editor.

Include many of the following terms in your essay:

• Hollywood Blacklist
• Ronald Reagan’s HUAC testimony (1947)
• House Un-American Activities Committee
• Senator Joseph McCarthy
• Richard Nixon
• The Fifth Amendment
• Screen Actors Guild
• The Hollywood Ten
• Screen Writers Guild

Include one source besides your textbook.

Format the text of your letter consistent with appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131886131

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Write a Review

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