Complete a professionally crafted response to the scenario

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Reference no: EM133317393


For this assignment create an email addressing the case. Remember to:

Complete a professionally crafted response to the scenario. Remember - ONE paragraph is NOT ENOUGH work for a final assessment.

Use business-writing techniques learned in class such as writing clear, concise sentences.

Use proper email format.

Avoid jargon and unnecessary words

Take the time to brainstorm your content and organize your ideas before you write your draft.

Before you submit your final document, revise your draft for clarity and coherence and edit for grammar and spelling.

After you have completed your writing, choose 5 items from the table that follows the case information and identify them within your writing FULLY. Use underline or bold to indicate the specific part of speech within your chosen sentence.

Case Scenario:

Because of your outstanding work over the past year, Margaret (your boss) has offered you a position as the office manager in a new branch that the company is opening in Paris, France. While you are flattered that you have been offered this chance, you feel you cannot accept her offer. Write Margaret a message thanking her for the offer explaining why you cannot accept.

Complete a professionally crafted response to the scenario. Remember - ONE paragraph is NOT ENOUGH work for a final assessment.


Choose 5 of the following to identify:  Copy FULL SENTENCES from your writing and then either bold or underline the specific item you are identifying.
Simple subject

Introductory prepositional phrase

A compound sentence

A complex sentence

An object pronoun

An adverb

Possessive noun

Linking verb and complement

Subordinate conjunction

A verb in the subjunctive mood

Reference no: EM133317393

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