Reference no: EM131194616
Technologies Portfolio-
Complete a Technologies portfolio to assess interpretive & analytical ability and intellectual initiative.
In this assessment task students will complete a portfolio of the Design and Technology and Digital Technologies challenges undertaken during the course. The purpose of the assessment task is for students to demonstrate their interpretive & analytical ability in identifying technologies problems and intellectual initiative in developing creative and innovative solutions.
Assessment Criteria-
Interpretive and analytical ability in developing design challenges.
Interpretive and analytical ability in developing programming challenges.
Intellectual initiative in research, planning and development of solutions.
Intellectual initiative in the articulation and presentation.
Using the activities explored in tutorials and the examples provided in lectures, compile a portfolio of 2-4 activities/projects/design challenges, that you could use in teaching the Technologies learning area. You need to go beyond the introductory challenges as presented In tutorials but can develop these into activities/projects that demonstrate your ability In:
1. Teaching Design Thinking;
2. Teaching Computational Thinking;
3. Teaching Systems Thinking;
4. Teaching Strategic Thinking; and S. Teaching Futures Thinking.
Using the activities and examples provided in the course as a starting point, you should demonstrate an ability to describe these as design challenge projects with a local (Gold Coast) context and that aim to address a real problem. The challenge should include detailing the systems involved and provide opportunities for digital technologies, including programming, to contribute to the solution.
Your challenges/projects must address at least two of the Design and Technologies prescribed contexts:
-Engineering principles and systems
-Food and fibre production
-Food specialisations
-Materials and technologies specializations and at least two of the Digital Technologies contexts:
- Representation of Data
- Digital Systems
You are not required to develop lesson or unit plans. You are required to describe design challenges/projects that demonstrate your understanding and ability to teach the five key concepts of Technologies Education and a project based learning pedagogy.
You will be assessed on your ability to demonstrate understanding of the concepts taught during the course. Standard activities taken directly from existing examples and contextualised for the Gold Coast would achieve a pass, for credit you need to demonstrate that students will have opportunities to develop a range of learning outcomes as detailed in the curriculum and you have made a significant new contribution to the project idea, and for distinctions, you need to demonstrate you can effectively incorporate, in an integrated way, the development of the range of student thinking skills into your design challenges and show real innovation in your project ideas.
In terms of word length, 500 - 1000 words per activity (depending on number), with 250 words each for an introduction and conclusion. You are encouraged to use screenshots, images and photographs to enhance your explanations. Remember that each activity should be a design challenge and include opportunities to develop the five thinking skills, and address some specific curriculum learning outcomes. You do not however need to address every context from the two subjects, nor every learning outcome.
2500 words.