Complete a comprehensive report on the issue

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Reference no: EM133552250 , Length: word count:2000


In your Work Integrated Learning 1 (WIL1) course you were asked to undertake both an information gathering exercise on the organisation where you are undertaking your placement, to identify issues/opportunities and analyse them (those related to your discipline area in more depth) and then write a proposal as to an issue/opportunity you had chosen to research in more depth. Remember you are a student studying economics and finance so relate your report according to it.

This assessment task builds on this work and asks to you complete a comprehensive report on the issue/opportunity that you selected.

What are the learning outcomes of this assessment?

The course learning outcomes that you will be assessed on in this assessment task are:
1. Relate your academic learning to the work environment;
3. Synthesise, apply and evaluate knowledge, skills, experience and outcomes;
5. Communicate findings to a professional audience.

So, what do I have to do?
The purpose of this task is for you to provide a comprehensive professional implementation report (approximately 1250-2000 words or equivalent) on the project you scoped in your business report proposal (Assignment 3) in Work Integrated Learning 1. This required connection should have been clearly communicated to you in the previous semester.

Below are some guidelines on what you should address in your report:

- The final product/outcome that will exist at the completion of your project (why have you selected the final product/outcome you have and why it is appropriate?); Note: the product/outcome could be many different things, for example, a new or improved process; a pilot piece of software; a pitch for a new business opportunity, new communication methods.
- Intended audience, and the benefits for this audience from the work you are doing;
- The procedure you followed and how this differed from your proposal, please explain any reasons for that;
- Information sources you will draw on (include both theoretical and practical sources which you believe will best support you in creating your proposal and subsequent report. Consider who you will talk to (and whether you need permission));
- Completed delivery and resources budget schedule, and any variations from the original plan proposed explained and justified, NB. change is normal!

Structure of the report

Your report should be structured as a business report and include the following sections as a minimum:
- Title Page - report title, your name, student ID, WIL coordinator name, program code/name, submission date;
- Executive Summary - an overview of the contents of the report including a high-level view of the recommendations;
- Table of Contents - appropriately numbered sections;
- Introduction -- you should provide a brief background to your report based on what you submitted in your business report proposal assignment. Highlight the issue/opportunity you selected, why it is relevant and important to investigate both from your perspective and that of the organisation/discipline area. Address here any interlinked areas that you have not included in the scope of the report. Include a statement as to the intended audience.
- Body - the main part of the report which could be made of up of a number of sections, this will include the detail about your investigation including:
- The method of investigation you undertook into the issue/opportunity, include any relevant information about the project timelines, challenges or issues you faced in this section.
- The findings you discovered (including any "final product/outcome" you developed as a part of this project);
- The impact the findings may have on the organisation/industry/discipline area (again you should be considering the relevance of your findings to both theory and practice drawing on what you have learnt about both through the first 3 years of your program);
- Conclusion - state the major features and conclusions you can draw from the work you undertook.
- Reference list and bibliography

Note: Work as business administrator in CTDI AUSTRALIA PTY LIMITED.

Relate Report according to economics and finance major.

Reference no: EM133552250

Questions Cloud

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Complete a comprehensive report on the issue : Write a proposal as to an issue/opportunity you had chosen to research in more depth. Remember you are a student studying economics and finance so relate
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Consider an economy that is currently experiencing : Consider an economy that is currently experiencing a financial crisis (because financial markets are not working - say, due to a lack of credit).



10/20/2023 10:56:14 PM

Could you please ask the same tutor to do its 2nd part ? The new report is gonna be the continuation of this previous business proposal file. This is draft already done Need to complete this now with adding 1500 words use Assignment instructions and read lasf year’s report to do this assignment. it has all the required materials. And make sure to relate the report with the content that shows i am efficient in the field of economics and finace

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