Complete a categorisation task

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Reference no: EM132357501

Issues in Diversity Assignment - Reflective Essay


Conscious and unconscious factors impact how we behave; therefore, the Implicit Association Test (IAT) provides an avenue for assessing one's biases.

In this test, you will complete a categorisation task, and short survey about your attitudes. Each time you begin a session you will be randomly assigned to a topic and should take between 10 - 15 minutes. At the end, you will receive feedback about your performance. Complete at least two (2) tests (see below for details of the relevant tests to choose). Please note only you and the IAT researchers have access to the results of participation.

There are three purposes of this assessment. First, this assessment may raise your awareness of your own conscious and subconscious perceptions or biases, helping to identify whether they are congruent with one another. Second, it provides an opportunity to reflect on how your past and current experience may contribute to your conscious and subconscious perceptions and biases. Third, it assists in learning how your perceptions or biases may influence how you interact with diverse others in your personal and professional settings.

Instructions for the assignment:

Go to the Website Project Implicit. Go to "Take a Test" (located on the bottom of the page) Click on "I wish to proceed"

Agree to continue and pick two tests. You can choose two from the following: Gender-Career, Gender-Science, Race, Arab-Muslim, Religion, Asian-American, Age, Sexuality and/or Disability.

When you finish you will be given "results". Print the test results provided by the program and keep these for the purpose of writing this reflective piece (you may be asked to produce evidence of participating in this test)

You are then required to write a reflective piece by discussing how your results reflect unconscious cultural and social conditioning. Specifically, discuss what personal, social, generational, cultural, workplace and/or educational experiences might have influenced the results (or unconscious bias, if any)?

Important Note: You are not required to share thoughts and experiences that are very personal to you. It is entirely up to you to share thoughts and experiences that you feel comfortable with. The key is to demonstrate insightful thinking and application of theories, frameworks and practices addressed in this course.

The following from RMIT Learning Lab offers excellent recommendations on reflective writing: Writing_academic_reflection_accessible_2015

Note - Choose two of this content and use results to write reflections. Take Two test from above And use results to write reflection

Length: 1500 words.

Attachment:- Issues in Diversity Assignment File.rar

Verified Expert

The file is a reflective study based on the results of an online test (IAT). It is a reflection on sexuality and disability, bothe being different opics, in terms of test performance. The file evaluated several aspects of my own perceptions comparing with the results and determined the difference of the thoughts.

Reference no: EM132357501

Questions Cloud

Summarize the types of services provided : Summarize the types of services provided, clientele served, and provider groups involved. Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of each organization
The advantages of international diversification : Determine why, given the advantages of international diversification, some firms choose not to expand internationally.
What are the types of transfer that can occur : What are the types of transfer that can occur? Describe the transfer process as it relates to learning in a specific workplace.
Company performance and decision-making : Which environmental factors are influencing your chosen company's performance and/or decision-making?
Complete a categorisation task : BUSM4500 Issues in Diversity Assignment - Reflective Essay, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. Complete a categorisation task
Define advantages of different methods in nursing study : The theoretical foundations of qualitative and quantitative methods are very different, but many researchers believe both methods should be used in the research
Proponents of the refrigerator mother theory of autism : Bettelheim is often viewed as one of the major proponents of the "refrigerator mother" theory of autism.
Describe the similarities between phd and dnp : Search in scholarly sources the similarities and difference between PhD and DNP. Post three similarities and three differences found on your research.
Examine health care clinical problem or organization issue : The first step in developing an evidence-based practice change proposal is to identify an issue or problem to address. In this topic, students will learn what.



8/13/2019 11:06:05 PM

Total Words – 1500. Assessment Declaration: I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the Assessment Declaration. Learning Objectives Assessed: This assignment assesses Learning Objectives 1,3,4.

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