Complete a buy tickets system for customer

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Reference no: EM132268540

A unix/Linux shell script assignment - Shell scripts

You are required to write a UNIX shell script (a shell program) to complete a buy tickets system for customer to use.

It should have the following functions:

Buy could be once, or, multi-times without terminating the current session.

The program should produce a summarized report for eachbuy.

Exit the system when your order is completed.

Your session should be similar to: buyTickets" on the first line of the screenshot above is the name of the shell program which you should create for this task.

It should be able to recognize the commands "quit" and "buy", which are functions defined below: . "quit" - displays a message such as "-----Thanks for your purchase! -----" and then quit the program.?

"buy" - starts your buying with prompts that takes inputs and produces a summary for your buying (with time and date as well), as shown in the screenshot above.

The program should accept your choices either in uppercase or lowercase, such as, "quit" or "QUIT", "buy" or "BUY".

At the end of each purchase, you should have the option to execute another purchase, or quit the program.

If you enter a wrong choice, for example 'ok', the program should recognize it and display a message, such as: 'Sorry, 'ok' is not a valid choice. Please enter 'quit' or 'buy'.' until a correct choice is entered, i.e. 'quit' or 'buy'.

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The solution file is implemented in shell script programming language which read the options from user to select buy tickets or quit application.Based on user option it will call the buy and quit function. Buy function will read basic information about the user and ticket details such as user name, mobile number, number of tickets and finally it will print the complete details of ticket summary.In case user selected quit function then display appropriate message and quit the application.The solution file has program and screen shot of program output.

Reference no: EM132268540

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8/28/2019 2:04:15 AM

I have completed my assignment with full grades. Thanks to the team and writes for providing me with great work. You guys are really awesome.


3/28/2019 3:19:00 AM

At the end of each purchase, you should have the option to execute another purchase, or quit the program.?(5 marks) . If you enter a wrong choice, for example 'ok', the program should recognize it and display a message, such as: 'Sorry, 'ok' is not a valid choice. Please enter 'quit' or 'buy'.' until a correct choice is entered, i.e. 'quit' or 'buy'.??(4 marks)


3/28/2019 3:18:53 AM

I have a unix/Linux shell script assignment. Shell scripts (42 marks) You are required to write a UNIX shell script (a shell program) to complete a buy tickets system for customer to use. It should have the following functions: . Buy could be once, or, multi-times without terminating the current session. . The program should produce a summarized report for eachbuy. . Exit the system when your order is completed. Your session should be similar to: buyTickets" on the first line of the screenshot above is the name of the shell program which you should create for this task. It should be able to recognize the commands "quit" and "buy", which are functions defined below: . "quit" - displays a message such as "-----Thanks for your purchase! -----" and then quit the program.?(3 marks) . "buy" - starts your buying with prompts that takes inputs and produces a summary for your buying (with time and date as well), as shown in the screenshot above. ?(24marks) . The program should accept your choices either in uppercase or lowercase, such as, "quit" or "QUIT", "buy" or "BUY". ?(6 marks)

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